#1: clutch problem Author: donnypaul81, Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:52 am ---- My mum has a 206 1.4 petrol estate the clutch sometimes doesn't work at all then it does work there's no grinding slipping etc it's done it 4 times in the last week the peddle seems fine not high biting or low biting everything seems ok but like a say it just goes and then won't go into gear till it's turned off and then back on again ? Ive searched the net and not found any thing so last resort to come on here and ask
#2: Re: clutch problem Author: mattymj, Location: NorfolkPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:13 am ---- Is it hydraulic or cable? May need bleeding if hydraulic
#3: Re: clutch problem Author: kandlbarrett, Location: SwindonPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:28 pm ---- What does the pedal feel like when the clutch isn't working?
Same as normal, slightly more easy to press or really sloppy?
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