#1: 2 issues and short on knowledge!! Author: stescarr, Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:14 pm ---- Hi all, thanks in advance for any help received, i am experiencing 2 problems with an 04 1.4 206 and was looking for any advice?
1. Driving home the other day the engine diagnostics light started to flash and beep at me, since then on startup of the car it stays on for a few seconds and the red stop light flashes a couple of times then they both go off, i have not driven the car properly since as i don't want to cause any damage.
2. Had a new tyre put on the front driver side and since then have noticed a rattling sound coming from this area.
Apologies if either of these are very simple and obvious, my knowledge of cars at present is very low.
Cheers guys!
#2: Re: 2 issues and short on knowledge!! Author: RockRulz, Location: Harlow, EssexPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:56 pm ---- My previous car (a 607) used to be like Blackpool illuminations most of the time..engine light, abs, esp, anti pollution etc.... All flashed up at times. I still kept driving it and also had a diagnostic test done which showed the faults as being intermittent. It did once go into 'limp mode' and that's when the lambda sensor packed up. My advice if you can't get a mechanic to look at it is see if you know anyone with a diagnostic gizmo. My son has one that can generally find the fault and reset the warnings which he got off eBay for about £50.
As for the tyre.....go back to the place you had it done and get them to take the tyre off and recheck it all. Sounds a bit dodgy!
Good luck with it.
#3: Re: 2 issues and short on knowledge!! Author: ukskater01, Location: sutton surrey/welwyn garden cityPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:57 pm ---- You will need to get the car code read as the eml light could mean anything.
I would make sure the wheel bolts were tight and see if the wheel weights were on properly.
#4: Re: 2 issues and short on knowledge!! Author: DREWDEN, Location: huddersfieldPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:08 pm ---- Be very careful, a flashing EML light is a more serious condition, than just the EML light coming on and stopping on.
I personally would not do any more driving with the car.
Get it code read and go from there.
#5: Re: 2 issues and short on knowledge!! Author: stescarr, Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:47 am ---- UPDATE: currently sat at a local garage getting codes read etc and issue could be due to a crack in the manifold but needs to be inspected further to confirm that this is the issue
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