#1: HDI GTI anti pollution fault observation Author: kwakzx7r, Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:41 pm ---- Its been a few months now since I sold the GTI 180 and bought the GTI HDI and it's given me the opportunity to try out a few things. Since owing the car it has always required a shot of max power diesel additive every tank full to prevent the anti pollution warning fault and warning light. Failure to put it in always resulted in the warning coming back on. It then went out again once i'd put the additive back in though. The other day while the warning light was on I decided to try out a decent quality Esso fuel instead of the usual supermarket diesel which I normally run it on. With no additive and the better diesel it now runs a better mpg now matter how it's driven and if driven a little harder the anti pollution warning has gone out without the need for additive
So the moral of the story for anyone else running a GTI HDI is run with better fuel and drive it a little harder
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