#1: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: Rocker, Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:50 pm ---- Evening people, having a problem with the mrs 1.4 petrol and wanted a bit of advice
About a week ago the downpipe cracked through where it meets the manifold so before the lambda sensor and fell off, engine management light came on and the car cut out. Had it towed home and got the pipe welded back up but now it won't start
So where's the question, why?
When you turn the key there's just a click and that's it, had a problem with the starter not long ago so that's probably what this is. (Worth noting the engine management light wont go off) Tried to bump start it but as soon as it turns over and starts to go it cuts out again and the management light is staying on
Any help is appreciated especially regarding if there's a way to reset the management without any diagnostic equipment the battery was disconnected for a few days before I refitted the pipe and I was hoping this might of cleared it
#2: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: omega, Location: nottinghamPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:54 pm ---- is the battery fully charged?
#3: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: Rocker, Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:05 pm ---- Yes it is
#4: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: omega, Location: nottinghamPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:23 pm ---- so when you had it welded was it done on the car or off?and if it was done on the car was the battery removed before hand.
#5: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, LancashirePosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:25 pm ---- Presuming the battery was disconnected for the welding to take place, are the battery connections tight?
Was the correct procedure followed for disconnecting and reconnecting the battery?
Check the earth to the gearbox, check the connections to the starter.
After all that, you could also try the tried and tested method of tapping the starter with a hammer while someone turns the key to make sure the solenoid isn't stuck.
#6: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: Rocker, Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:00 pm ---- Exhaust was welded up off of the car
Regardless of the starter issue when it was bump started it still won't run which is currently more of a problem for me
It was running fine (bar the starter being a bit hit and miss) up until the pipe fell off I'm 90% sure it's the management causing the issue
#7: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, LancashirePosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:06 pm ---- Get a code reader on it and see if anything comes up.
#8: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: DREWDEN, Location: huddersfieldPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:48 pm ---- From a site.
Try it and see if it works.
#9: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: Addaz, Location: SuffolkPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:06 am ---- Just get a code readerand stop being cheap
#10: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: Steve206, Location: UKPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:09 am ---- Does this car have a fuel shut off switch?
#11: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: V9977, Location: Athens, GreecePosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:12 am ----
Steve206 wrote:
Does this car have a fuel shut off switch?
If it's non-mux (<Oct.2001) then yes.
#12: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: Rocker, Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:35 am ----
V9977 wrote:
Steve206 wrote:
Does this car have a fuel shut off switch?
If it's non-mux (<Oct.2001) then yes.
Think it does
#13: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: shell-vt, Location: durhamPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:52 am ---- check the fuel pump is priming (you will hear that on turning on the ignion) yes - no??
#14: Re: 206 won't start (engine management) Author: Rocker, Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:03 am ---- Pretty sure it is but I will check next time I get chance
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