#1: Buying Parts: Where is cheapest? Author: Targa180, Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:12 pm ---- Hey all, so im looking at a few heavy items to purchase from france, germany or the UK, postage is going to kill me, im wondering where do we all get our parts from? Ebay? Indevidual stores? Factory direct? Since nothing exists for me in Aust I have to import and they love to charge postage
#2: Re: Buying Parts: Where is cheapest? Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:18 pm ---- Best to try DHL or UPS for starters. It would be helpful to give an idea of the weight or item first also
#3: Re: Buying Parts: Where is cheapest? Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:28 pm ---- The best choice for you,as it's for me,because I pay way toooooooo much for postage,so it's better to buy all what you need,and ship it with a large box sent by air,this will be the cheapest way for you,as you will deal it with as Fright.
#4: Re: Buying Parts: Where is cheapest? Author: Targa180, Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:08 pm ---- Macj: new suspension, rotors, pads and bushing kit
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