#1: Rough/Lumpy Idol and next to no power.... Author: A18NHH, Location: MiddlesbroughPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:57 am ---- Hi all,
I went to my car this morning, started the engine first time as normal - however the oil gauge said empty - checked oil with dipstick and it was fine...
the car it's self was idling really lumpy/rough and when i tried to drive it had next to no power.
Reading other posts some suggest spark plug issues or coil pack? The plugs were changed early January and this is the first time i've had these issues.
in need of a little help or advice - i know i'll need a diagnostics done however i can't get it fitted in this week and wondered if anyone had any suggestions?
It's a 2002 GTi
Any comments welcome
#2: Re: Rough/Lumpy Idol and next to no power.... Author: LiamMiller, Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:35 pm ---- I had the same problem, bought a coil pack and it was running smooth again, sounds like the same problems I was having
#3: Re: Rough/Lumpy Idol and next to no power.... Author: kandlbarrett, Location: SwindonPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:28 am ---- I know just throw a coil pack at it - no fault finding and no consideration that it might be something else!!!
No don't do that, clear the fault codes and drive or start the car until you get the same fault then re-read the codes.
Some here will also suggest you check the earth from the battery to the car, especially the one to the gearbox as a bad earth can cause all sorts of problems.
#4: Re: Rough/Lumpy Idol and next to no power.... Author: A18NHH, Location: MiddlesbroughPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:26 pm ---- well someone at work has an ELM327 but doesn't know where the software disc is - I'm not even sure if the ELM would be anygood or what software i can download to use it?
#5: Re: Rough/Lumpy Idol and next to no power.... Author: kandlbarrett, Location: SwindonPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:38 pm ---- Generic code readers are now less than £20 on ebay.
Checking earth connections is free except for your time if you DIY.
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