#1: Revving on its own Author: winka, Location: NorthumberlandPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:07 am ---- Hi chaps and Ladies my wifes 206 is revving itself while she is driving it sometimes it will rev to 3000 revs and then the tickover will be at around 2000 and then it will settle to 800-1000 I am new to this kinda thing as ive a 4x4 don't know much on these pugs any advice would be great Thanks in advance.
I have tried the BSI reset which I got off this fab site but that did nothing im at my wits end now and a bit worried about the wife driving it when its running like this.
#2: Re: Revving on its own Author: 20Drift, Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:18 am ---- Give this a go and see if it makes any difference: www.206info.co.uk/Foru...c/t=46523/
Also, check the throttle cable to make sure it's not really tight or damaged
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