#1: Car runs rough !! Author: Sam7000, Location: WakefieldPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:04 am ---- My pug 206 1.4 8v (x)reg (2000)
Right my pug keeps revving high around 2000 to 3000 rpm then I have to pull the battery lead to stop it, but I'm not getting any engine management light on saying that it's registers a fault,& yesterday it was running really bad coughing & spluttering & no tick over, so once again I pulled the battery lead & put it back on 4sec later & it's running sweet again until about 20 miles then it all starts again reving high & running crap until I pull the battery,iv taken off throttel housing & cleaned it & put it back on but it still does it after about 20 miles.i don't get a engine warning light on the dash so it seems like it's not recording a fault,iv also cleand the lambda sensor,& no change.
So basically it revs high,hunting or no tick over,runs crap,& no EML light on dash to state a problem,then I pull battery put it back on & it runs sweet until it does about 20 miles then it all starts over again!!!
Thank you
#2: Re: Car runs rough !! Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:10 am ---- Well you need a new stepper motor.
#3: Re: Car runs rough !! Author: NorthantsBen, Location: Raunds, NorthamptonshirePosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:56 am ---- my dads faulty coilpack gave the same symptoms , no eml lights, i thought he was making it up till i took it out lol
#4: Re: Car runs rough !! Author: Sam7000, Location: WakefieldPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:02 am ---- I was going to take the coil pack out,so I will try that!!
#5: Re: Car runs rough !! Author: Sam7000, Location: WakefieldPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:36 am ---- Iv put a secondhand throttel body & it seems to have sorted it out!!!so it probabaly was the stepper motor!!thanks for the comments!!!
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