#1: 206 2.0 hdi idles fast intermittently Author: RodR, Location: LondonPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:27 pm ---- Hi I've searched the forums without any luck.
I have a 206 2001 2.0 HDI for many years. Occasionally the idle speed will rise above the normal 800rpm, not to a specific other speed, sometimes its 900 higher sometimes up to about 1100rpm. It is not because of the air con being on, although this does correctly change the idle speed. You notice it when slowing to a junction, she doesn't decelerate and then when you disengage the clutch the rpm is high. It can happen whether the engine is cold or warm.
If I switch the engine off and restart, she returns to normal idle immediately.
This started some years back and only happened occasionally, it's gradually become more frequent.
I have checked and cleared the ecu and bsi faults and have run around for a few days since, I checked today and the only fault is 'intermittent fault. Air conditioning cut-off circuit. Short circuit earth or circuit open.'
Is this related? If so any ideas where I should look - not sure where the cut off circuit is.
The a/c seems to work perfectly.
#2: Re: 206 2.0 hdi idles fast intermittently Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:05 pm ---- There is a Sensor on the A/C pipes ,it's on the driver side,that one need to be replaced.
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