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Very sluggish 1.4 HDI
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#1: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: V1nn13 PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:31 am
Hi guys,

Been having problems with my 1.4HDI. Been getting slower and slower for the last couple of weeks until Friday night on the way home from work, it wouldn't pull at all. Ended up doing about 40mph uphill on the motorway with my foot hard down. Threw up an engine light which was later read as an EGR code, took it off, cleaned it and valve moves freely now, put it back on and still very slow, no light has appeared again as yet.

Replaced MAF sensor and inlet hose on the Saturday, still no difference.

Had another look on the Sunday and noticed there was oil coming from the turbo outlet, this was a new one 2 months ago...surely hasn't gone again?!

I also noticed there was a lot of pressure in rocker cover when covered, and there is exhaust gases coming from under there as well Confused

Haven't driven since as don't trust it so haven't had any more lights up.
Anyone got any ideas as to what the problem could be?

#2: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: kirk46 PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:59 am
if there's excess pressure in the rocker that will cause oil to go through the turbo if you have the standard intake setup

turbo outlet? so you took the hot side of the turbo of and looked? so do you mean the inlet?

take the breather pipe off and give it a good clean along with any other pipes you can take off.

try unplugging the EGR connection which is the blue plug attached to a solenoid at the bulk head to the right of the engine, and see if that helps

im not sure bout the exhaust gases coming from the rocker cover Confused

#3: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: V1nn13 PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:10 am
I shall try unplugging that plug when I get home tonight and update.

With regards to the turbo, it's the compressor side leaking oil (where the turbo bolts to the box with the HDI logo thing)

As you can tell I'm not too clued up on cars (especially diesels), so really has stretched my knowledge Confused


#4: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: southwestchap, Location: Devon PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:45 am
When was its last service? Air and Fuel filter especially.

You can near enough shake hands with my turbo but she's still going. I whipped the compressor housing (aluminium side of the turbo) off the other weekend and it was oily there, but just cleaned the housing with brake cleaner and wiped the CHAR face off and put it back together. Seems to be going alright still...

#5: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: V1nn13 PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:11 am
Service was done a couple of months ago, Air filter, fuel filter, oil change etc...

Not done the pollen filter though...
Where is it located on the car?


#6: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: southwestchap, Location: Devon PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:25 am
pollen filter is under the scuttle

top left part of the engine bay behind the strut top.

#7: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: V1nn13 PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:57 am
Nice one Very Happy did wonder what that filter was for Rolling Eyes
I'll change that at the weekend.

Would that make much difference to the running of the car though?


#8: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: southwestchap, Location: Devon PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:07 am

Have you had it plugged in and the codes read?

#9: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: V1nn13 PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:42 pm
Yep, no codes stored currently

#10: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: TelaKeppi, Location: Finland PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:57 pm
Seems like you've covered most of the obvious reasons. Only thing left to check out is collapsed or clogged DPF filter inside cat converter. Cheapest fix is just to hollow it out.

#11: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: V1nn13 PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:26 pm
Ahh, already done that Crying or Very sad was a bit rattley, so knocked it all out...
Ran like a dream for a day or two, then bogged down again.


#12: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: kandlbarrett, Location: Swindon PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:13 pm
Are you certain all is removed from DPF? Could any parts from DPF have been left inside and now travelled down the pipe and blocked it further along?

Do you know that the soot particles now being released from your car are so small that when they get into your lungs your body doesn't filter them out. This then leads to cancer.

#13: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: V1nn13 PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:34 pm
Pretty sure, was all washed out.

Chucked some redex in it and unplugged the blue plug, run sweet for about 20miles and then same thing happened again.

Still no codes or management light as of yet, but starting to drive it less now, just getting too slow it's dangerous.

#14: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: V1nn13 PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:21 pm
Quick update,

Took battery off last night for a couple of hours, put it back on and she was better again...ran her to work (50 mile round trip) and bogged down again on the way home :/

This sort of stuff I really don't understand.

#15: Re: Very sluggish 1.4 HDI Author: rlees85, Location: Daventry PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:46 pm
Isn't the engine light on? Surely knocking the DPF out and not changing the ECU map would cause engine light + limp home mode (dog slow).

How much oil was coming out the turbo? Its normal to get some oil in the intake after the turbo within reason. If you can see it literally dripping out with the engine running its knackered though.

Its also normal to get a bit of pressure in the rocker cover (might make a bit of a puffing sound with the oil cap off). But if it is stupidly high pressure, for example blowing the dipstick out, make sure PCV (normally hoses running from crank-case to rocker cover, and/or to inlet, I have no idea on 1.4 HDI) isn't blocked.

kandlbarrett wrote:

Do you know that the soot particles now being released from your car are so small that when they get into your lungs your body doesn't filter them out. This then leads to cancer.

This is very true too. But IMO the argument should be taken to the manufacturers who just see being green as another excuse to make a huge profit and then putting the moral responsibility on individuals (who are already taxed of everything they earn already). People cannot afford £600+ for an item that lasts in practise 35k. EVERYONE who I know who has gone non-DPF would have bitten their dealerships arm off for a new one if they were sub £200 rather than risking without.

My 2.0 hdi doesn't have one as standard anyway. So this isn't a personal thing or am I trying to start an argument... Just my 2p.

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