#1: Replacement Wing Mirror Author: jackwetson, Location: United KingdomPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:49 am ---- I recently ordered a replacement wing mirror for my 206 2.0 Hdi after a cyclist kindly knocked my other off.
As you can see in the picture my current one (still attached) has a white connected, the new one a brown and orange connector. I'm wondering if anyone knows if these are hot swappable if I just cut the leads and reattach in the right order?
The only reason I ask is because the seller is being a pain about returns.
#2: Re: Replacement Wing Mirror Author: omega, Location: nottinghamPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:25 am ---- don't know
but if you not sure don't buy
#3: Re: Replacement Wing Mirror Author: jackwetson, Location: United KingdomPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:30 am ----
omega wrote:
don't know
but if you not sure don't buy
With the greatest respect this isn't exactly helpful to the situation. When ordering the part the full chassis number was given so this wasn't a mistake on my part.
With the greatest respect this isn't exactly helpful to the situation. When ordering the part the full chassis number was given so this wasn't a mistake on my part.
then in fairness if it isn't a fit and the guy told you it would ect.....he can't argue about a return
#5: Re: Replacement Wing Mirror Author: jackwetson, Location: United KingdomPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:26 am ---- I appreciate your comments, but I do know my way around consumer law The question is to if I can make it fit, it'l be quicker for me to use a soldering iron rather than battle out the return.
#6: Re: Replacement Wing Mirror Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, LancashirePosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:18 am ---- You could go to Peugeot and buy the adaptor loom, and since they make an adaptor, I can't see any reason you couldn't solder your old plug onto the new mirror. Just be a case of following the wires in each mirror to make sure you connect the right ones together.
#7: Re: Replacement Wing Mirror Author: jackwetson, Location: United KingdomPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:23 am ----
macca1411 wrote:
You could go to Peugeot and buy the adaptor loom, and since they make an adaptor, I can't see any reason you couldn't solder your old plug onto the new mirror. Just be a case of following the wires in each mirror to make sure you connect the right ones together.
Perfect thank you Couldnt find this when i searched
#8: Re: Replacement Wing Mirror Author: iainlovatt, Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:13 am ---- Hi mate, yes you can chop the ends of both. However I would get the broken one and cut the end of that and and put it on the new mirror. Dead easy.
#9: Re: Replacement Wing Mirror Author: jackwetson, Location: United KingdomPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:25 am ---- Just finished it all now, 10 minutes of soldering and it works perfectly. Thanks all!
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