#1: GTI 180 mirror screws part number as mine sheered off! Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: SpaldingPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:40 pm ---- So just went to fit the new 180 mirrors and the screws must be different from the std ones as two have sheered off in the new mirrors!
So first question is how do I drill the sheered screws out?
Secondly can someone get me the part number if the correct screws for the 180 mirrors please?
#2: Re: GTI 180 mirror screws part number as mine sheered off! Author: iainlovatt, Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:12 am ---- We can send some screws if you need them?
#3: Re: GTI 180 mirror screws part number as mine sheered off! Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: SpaldingPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:27 am ---- Got some from the scrappy for £1 this morning thanks anyway. Just need to remove these sheered screws now.
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