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Airbag warning light / fuse issue?
-> 206 Problems

#1: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: daninmanchester PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:01 am
2005 GTI 2.0

I was checking the fuse box the other day and since then the airbag warning light has come on.

the fuses are back in place and the car runs. I need to reset the clock etc but the airbag light wont go out. Is it just the fuse is loose / dodgy?

Once the light has come on will it go off if I fix the connection issue?

#2: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: Steve206, Location: UK PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:25 pm
Will need the airbag ecu resetting I would have thought. Or a couple of starts will clear the fault, providing there are none.

#3: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:30 pm
daninmanchester wrote:
2005 GTI 2.0

I was checking the fuse box the other day and since then the airbag warning light has come on.

Multiplexed 206 & someone fiddling in the fusebox = Laughing

#4: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: daninmanchester PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:14 am
It's been more than a few starts and nothing has changed.
Checked and rechecked the fuses too.

It seems strange that a reset would be required from a basic fuse issue.
I did read that disconnecting the battery for 5 mins can reset various issues.

I've read the 206 is pretty notorious for dodgy connections on the airbags / pretensioners although I haven't been anywhere near anything other than the fuse box.

Does this light / warning "airbag fault" relate to the whole lot or a specific fault?

#5: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: JordHaze, Location: Warwickshire PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:19 am
I've also had this problem with my 206 LX 1.1

Still haven't found a fix and it's been almost 3 months!

Any advise would be great

#6: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: daninmanchester PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:34 am
Need to find a fuse for the warning lights Twisted Evil

Just found this post :

will give this a try later.

If the problems is on the shunt circuit would it be limited to airbags etc?

#7: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:27 am
Plugging into PP2000 would be the best idea rather than guessing what the problem might be.

#8: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:04 pm
daninmanchester wrote:

I've read the 206 is pretty notorious for dodgy connections on the airbags / pretensioners although I haven't been anywhere near anything other than the fuse box.

No it's not, 206 doesn't suffer from the same SRS issues that earlier PSA products did.

#9: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: ukskater01, Location: sutton surrey/welwyn garden city PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:45 pm
On my preplex 1.1 I just knocked the plug next to the fuse box. Make sure all the plugs are seated properly. You will need to get the codes read to see if there still current, if not you can just clear them.

#10: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: daninmanchester PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:35 am
So a new development is that after a spell in the sun it was revitalized and the error went away for an hour or two yesterday so I didn't try the reset. BUT... a cold start this morning and it's back. It obviously just needs some time in the sun.

I haven't check the plugs as I assumed that was all sound, but will give that a check too when I check the connections.

ukskater01 - that was my original is it possible having rechecked all the fuses and replaced and rebooted everything could be okay and I just need a reset? Would a BSI reset do this?

The fact I get an intermittent warning suggests something else like a dodgy connection and that it resets itself when the connection is established.

#11: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: ukskater01, Location: sutton surrey/welwyn garden city PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:39 pm
You will need a proper code reader that can clear airbag faults like Peugeot planet or a snap on diagnostic machine.

#12: Re: Airbag warning light / fuse issue? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:56 pm
The airbag light will go out by itself once the fault or faults are fixed.

You only really need the code read to see why the light has come on.

Planet all the way for a 206 SRS code read.

-> 206 Problems

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