#1: Starter motor Author: karimali831, Location: EnglandPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:27 pm ---- Hey so I am wondering if any starter motor can be used on my 206 180 if it has that same number M000T82081 on the sticker? I have found one with that same number but from a 307 CC 2.0 16V. Does it mean the starter motor are exactly the same?
#2: Re: Starter motor Author: Lecktorious, Location: ScotlandPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:40 pm ---- Certain models of 307 shared the same engine, so it sounds like you have a match. If you are stuck send me a PM as I still have one from the 180 I broke a while back.
#3: Re: Starter motor Author: karimali831, Location: EnglandPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:55 pm ---- Same part also coming from Citroen looks like this starter motor is used on many 16V petrol engines. I have saw your thread but I need one by tomorrow as my car is in the garage and they need it out by tomorrow.
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