have had a search for ESP faults but couldn't find any cases with some bits similar to mine.
the esp not functioning has came up on the mfd a few times since owning and seems to go though spells and is always after driving for about 5-10mins and disappears for a bit after switching car off.
its not shown for a while (few months) until yesterday i was on a dual carriageway at around 70ish mph and the car shuddered and revs dropped down then back up again, followed by the fault on mfd showing again, but now as soon as i start car up its showing straight away now as soon as i start car.
any ideas before i start digging around car when i get time in the week?
#2: Re: ESP Fault Author: Addaz, Location: SuffolkPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:18 pm ---- Get the fault codes checked, then report back mate
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