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206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help
-> 206 Problems

#1: 206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help Author: lea7784 PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:52 am
Hi guys having some trouble with my car the Engine managment light came on so tested it and it threw up the code

-P1340 camshaft/crankshaft sensor /power train control module

Its a 1.1 sport (special edition)
Its 2005 reg

What happened was it juddered just b4 the light came on but also lost power when changing down a gear when coming to a junction -started right back up again

I am having trouble locating the camshaft sensor for this model and have read somewhere that it doesnt have one (arghhh) not sure how true this is

any help advice at all would be fantastic


#2: Re: 206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help Author: Shadowstalke, Location: Gloucestershire PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:42 am
Welcome to Peugeot (and for that matter, most Marques) fault codes. Just because it -says- it's one thing that's the problem, doesn't mean to say that thing is actually causing the problem!

A little googling shows that P1340 on a Citroen (another PSA car) is P1340 Camshaft position sensor B circuit Malfunction. This has been fixed elsewhere on t'internet by checking the wiring to the sensor. However, some code readers lump multiple errors onto one "code" so from your post, it's a Cam or Crank sensor issue, or the PCM.

If your engine has no camshaft sensor it will be the crankshaft sensor - try removing the speed sensor (points at the flywheel) and give the end a clean, check the wire looks ok etc. then give it a go. (Good Diagram in snailer's post here:

Failing that, the other thing listed against P1340 in your error code is Power Train Control - this usually translates to an ECU error (I don't think the 206 has a specific Transmission Control unit - anyone?). If this is the case, that's a whole new kettle of fish... (

#3: Re: 206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help Author: lea7784 PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:53 am
Thanks so much for the reply I will deffo give the cleaning a try first off Smile

#4: Re: 206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help Author: Shadowstalke, Location: Gloucestershire PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:15 am
No worries Smile we'll all be in the same boat at some point!

#5: Re: 206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help Author: lea7784 PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:19 pm
Ok so ive just had the crankshaft sensor changed and its no different however I really cant find the camshaft sensor at all
can anyone out there help me please?

#6: Re: 206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help Author: kandlbarrett, Location: Swindon PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:30 am
Some cam sensors are under the cam cover. Not sure about the 206 1.1 Someone will be along soon to help.

#7: Re: 206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help Author: badj, Location: Wiltshire PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:00 am
As Shadowstalke said, there isn't a camshaft sensor.

#8: Re: 206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help Author: lea7784 PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:40 am
Someone else online had said it didnt have one lol Well thats me cream crackered only other thing I can check

#9: Re: 206 1.1 Sport P1340 code help Author: lea7784 PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:11 am
Changed the Coil pack today didnt have anything to lose and so far (touching all kinds of wood ) seems like a different car

-> 206 Problems

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