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1.4 HDI cutting out
-> 206 Problems

#1: 1.4 HDI cutting out Author: Lux_Peugeot206 PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:28 am
Hi guys I am posting on behalf of a friend, any ideas or thoughts on the subject would be much appreciated!

Hi, I have a 206 1.4 HDI 2002. It has a very very intermittent fault where it will cut out on idle, it only does it when it has got to temperature and you know it's coming because the engine will start hunting a few seconds before. The engine will start again almost straight away after cutting out.
I have had this problem for 3 years and cannot figure it out.
Just had a service, changed air filter, fuel filter which had made no difference.


#2: Re: 1.4 HDI cutting out Author: gazza82, Location: South Bucks PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:15 am
Have you hooked it up to PP2000 to see if any codes are being stored?

AS a pre-2004 diesel, it isn't likely to work with any cheap diag systems as it is pre-EOBD days.

#3: Re: 1.4 HDI cutting out Author: Lux_Peugeot206 PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 1:16 pm
Thanks for your reply. We haven't had it hooked up to a p2000, I guess that would be a good place to start.

My friends done quite a lot of research into it, he did find an air pipe detached at the rear of the engine which was then reattached and seemed to solve the issue for a while but it returned.

Just to confirm it happens when up at normal temperature and normally idling in traffic. I don't know a lot about the diesel engines as I own a petrol, however looking online people say it could be tiny pin holes in the fuel lines letting air into the fuel?

Seems a weird one as it can be started up straight after and no eng warning lights are displayed.

Again thanks for any help on this!

#4: Re: 1.4 HDI cutting out Author: Addaz, Location: Suffolk PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:34 pm
Thats correct, the low pressure fuel lines under the airbox rub through and gain pin holes allowing air in

#5: Re: 1.4 HDI cutting out Author: peugony PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:30 am
Hi had simular problem in the end the new fuel filter had connections .006" smaller dia than original filter and was allowing air in at that point went got another "better" brand checked size of connectors ( Same as original ) Great problem solved. NO MORE AIR IN CLEAR FUEL LINE.

-> 206 Problems

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