#1: Heater constantly stuck on high!!! Author: benny180, Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 4:14 pm ---- So as title states I have a problem with my heaters.they won't come off full power!! I drove it on thur morning absolutely fine,pulled into garage filled up back in and that's when problem started and been like it ever since!!! It's an 03 180 so was wondering if anyone else had this problem before and what could be causing it before taking it to garage.
#2: Re: Heater constantly stuck on high!!! Author: dannyboy-gti, Location: West SussexPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:23 am ---- I had this happen. It was the heater resistor. It is part of the fan behind the glovbox. It can be changed separately without renewing the fan. Presuming you have climate control it's the part that looks like a half moon shape. You can get them on ebay if you search 206 heater resistor. Check the 2 wiring connectors to the fan are not burned first.
#3: Re: Heater constantly stuck on high!!! Author: Project2062014, Location: CornwallPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:02 am ---- Anyone know what the little fan is i have hanging down under the glove box ? 206 gti .
Sure its been kicked & come lose & thats why is there .
Cannot find its home or original location .
Not a clue what its for . 03 plate 180 ? . First 180 .out in 04 ?
#4: Re: Heater constantly stuck on high!!! Author: dannyboy-gti, Location: West SussexPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:38 am ---- It clips in behind the little vent in the dash on the passenger side. I don't think you can get access without removing the glovebox from memory. I don't think it has screws to hold it in, it just clips or twists into place. I presume its a temps sensor for the climate to control the Auto function
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