Is the problem no backlight? (one can usually tell if the bulbs are lit even if no data is showing), or that no data is showing? Could try removing the bulbs and shine through the holes with a flashlight to see if data is there...
Not lit at all - go for the basics, check the bulbs. The connector on the circuit board of the display is somewhat fragile, and pin(s) might have come loose. Possibly solvable with a bit of soldering.
If not one of those you'll need to check the wiring further upstream (are all other dials and buttons lit?)
If lit but no data - first try a BSI reset. Done any stereo or other electric work recently? Voltage out from the stereo applied to one of the bus wires in the car might lock up the bus, blocking communication to the display (but then it usually shows last image, just not updating properly)
If none of the above, then my guess would go to a broken display.
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