#1: 206 2001 GLX Author: ox141jf, Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:53 pm ---- I has a 1999 lx 206 which had an obd 2 port but it did nothing, i have not got a 206 2001 glx and the obd 2 port works with my adapter but i only get RPM and error codes.
is that all the ECS supports?
#2: Re: 206 2001 GLX Author: sean.r.steward, Location: norfolkPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 1:55 pm ---- Is it diagnosis capabilities you are talking about
eric the car guy
or scanner daner
#3: Re: 206 2001 GLX Author: ox141jf, Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:33 pm ---- yes theobd2 only gives me rpm and error codes not speed, fuel etc
#4: Re: 206 2001 GLX Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, LancashirePosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:25 am ---- Vehicles only became EOBD compliant in 2001 for petrol models, so your 1999 model probably wouldn't connect using cheap diagnostics equipment.
Are you using a hand held scanner or PC with a wire? If the latter then which software are you using? I've had a 99 diesel connect with no problems and they only needed to be compliant from 2004
#5: Re: 206 2001 GLX Author: sean.r.steward, Location: norfolkPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:38 am ---- does pp2000 give you those parameters?
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