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Coolant Conundrum
-> 206 Problems

#1: Coolant Conundrum Author: Lord_Santa PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:48 am
About a year and a half ago I had my head gasket changed because the last one burnt out. The car has been perfect until recently when I noticed the coolant level was low, so after my previous experience I checked the oil dipstick and oil filler cap, no milky deposit or gunk on either.

Fortunately, the car was due for a service so when I did the oil change I checked the oil and it was clean as a whistle, no evidence of water mixing in at all (see below). I then topped up the coolant and let the car run for a while, there was no steam coming out the exhaust pipe, but the water in the coolant reservoir look kind of murky and dirty with some brown particles.

Could this be residue from the last time my head gasket blew? Is there a leak in one of the pipes/radiator or is just a precursor for more head gasket problems?

I'll monitor the coolant level over the next week.

Any clues or advice would be useful.


Dirty Coolant


Clean Oil

#2: Re: Coolant Conundrum Author: doski, Location: Warwickshire PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:24 am
same problem here hasnt had the head done but I changed the coolant not sure if i got it all out though and after filling it up it goes down slowly and its brown

#3: Re: Coolant Conundrum Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:04 am
I had all the signs of headgasket failure last year, but no water in the oil.


Drained the coolant, cleaned the expansion bottle with non-bio washing powder and hot water, flushed the system, replaced coolant and added a bottle of k-seal to be on the safe side and not seen any symptoms since.

Although k-seal isn't an ideal solution to possible head gasket failure, it works if the water isn't mixing with the oil.
Worth a £10 punt if only for peace of mind.

#4: Re: Coolant Conundrum Author: Vexs, Location: London PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:23 am
When the head gasket was done initially they should of flushed the system to remove any traces.

Any idea of what type of coolant they used or if it was even coolant and not just water?

It could be internal corrosion from using the older type of coolant (blue coloured), ideally needs to be flushed every 2 years and of course if it was water then it would most likely be corroding internals.

#5: Re: Coolant Conundrum Author: Lord_Santa PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:30 am
@Macca - That look's quite nasty, but I'm glad things seem to be okay. I think I'll do as you suggested, though, seems like it's better at this point to be proactive and then see how it goes rather than waiting it out.

@Vexs - It was flushed, but the expansion bottle was not cleaned out, it could be that the deposits left in the bottle peeled off over time and circulated throughout the system, or as you said, there is corrosion going on.

So I guess I'm going to be flushing out my cooling system then.

Thanks you all for the help and suggestions Smile

#6: Re: Coolant Conundrum Author: Timon2210, Location: Palestine PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:23 pm
Flush the cooling system,as you might need to do that process more than one time,till you have pure water,also you need to clean the expansion bottle,then see how things go,also the radiator is the bigger part that can keep dirt inside,a good clean for it is needed :)..good luck.

-> 206 Problems

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