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Crunchy feeling clutch.....after work in garage
-> 206 Problems

#1: Crunchy feeling clutch.....after work in garage Author: bh63 PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:04 am
My son had his cam belt and water pump replaced. Whilst doing the work the mechanic said the bolt holding the pump to the pump housing had snapped and it took 4 hours to sort out. He had the broken bolt drilled out but had to take stuff apart to get to it. When we left after paying 465.00, he mentioned that he had found it hard to get into first and that the next job would be a clutch replacement. My son said the gears box is a bit noisy but he has never had a problem getting into gear and now the clutch pedal makes a squashing noise when you push it down, even when the car is not on. My question is could this be shear coincidence or could all the pulling things apart and putting them back together have any impact on the clutch. Really not a mechanical person but could really do with some advice.

Thanks worried mum

#2: Re: Crunchy feeling clutch.....after work in garage Author: Carlos_WR1 PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 9:49 am
I would say coincidence as from your description it sounds like the gear box needs the Clutch Release Bearing replaced.

The reason the garage has suggested a clutch is because with the amount of labour required to remove the gearbox to replace the clutch bearing, you may as well replace the whole clutch assembly.

#3: Re: Crunchy feeling clutch.....after work in garage Author: macj, Location: Essex PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:09 pm
What model 206 does your son have?

-> 206 Problems

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