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206 1.4hdi reliability?
-> 206 Talk

#1: 206 1.4hdi reliability? Author: old-muggins PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:36 am
Hi all,

Nearly 2 months into ownership and have had constant issues having already replaced

The clutch
rear axle for a 150 refurbished unit from imaxles
rear wheel cylinders
rear brake pipes from flexi hoses on both sides
brake compensator valve

It now seems okay and have been able to drive the car for over a week without a problem arising.
The only faults are a knock noose from both front corners
a vibrating noise when under load ime going up hills and sounds to be coming feom the passenger side wheel area.
Exhaust will need replacing soon as its weak at the front and the rest isnt too good.
Could probably do with a good service.

Question is everyone is saying to get rid having had so many issues in such a short space of time.

Will it be reliable now having had the problems sorted and with the other smaller jobs done over coming months will it provide trouble free motoring or is it likely to be a contant battle?

Is the 1.4hdi reliable overall or not?. I paid 1k for the car in december were now in february and so far the car has had a further 600 quid spent on it. And with the list of jobs needing doing still that will pushing further.

Also the cambelt was done at 66k miles its now at 100k im thinkin the belt will need changing at 120k so to add another expense.

Do i... cut my losses and stop spending money on a car that so far has proven expensive, problematic needing further expendature?....


Stick with it, spe d the money it needs in the hope the time will come where its only servicing, brake psds, discs and tyres it needs or is this asking too much for a 12 year old car?



#2: Re: 206 1.4hdi reliability? Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:13 am
It's beginning to sound like the 12 year old brush. It's had 7 new handles and 5 new heads.

It may feel as if you are spending a lot, but once you get all new on it and the car is looked after and serviced regularly, the costs will drop. Think of it as a restoration rather than a repair.

#3: Re: 206 1.4hdi reliability? Author: Vexs, Location: London PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:59 am
The thing is you could sell it by all means but what's to say you won't then buy another used car that's going to hit you in the pocket again?

As macca said you have to look at it like a restoration, because in the end you will have a well looked after HDI that YOU know has been looked after, and that has been well maintained.. something you'll never get from buying another used car because you could end up in the same position again.

Ultimately the choice is yours, but the 1.4 HDI is a pretty solid 206 when looked after, and with 206's being common as muck these days there are plenty of used parts available.
Yes it's 12 years old, yes it'll have a few things that'll need ironing, but once you have done that, you will be left with a reliable car.

#4: Re: 206 1.4hdi reliability? Author: LeeThr, Location: North West Wales PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:03 pm
Realistically everything you've changed so far apart from the rear axle (although a common point on the 206) are all service items. Which with the millage and probably age if the car is to be expected.

The trouble with the 206 is its a shape that so far has aged quite well, even some of the early cars look pretty fresh from the outside but can be riddled with problems underneath which you don't find out about until ownership. And with the values dropping so much now most people instead of spending on fixing the one they have are just selling up and buying another until that breaks, when 9 times out of 10 a little bit of routine service & maintenance would have been the saving grace of the car they got rid of.

Just stick with it and get the issues ironed out from the start. It's a good little engine although pretty gutless, you've started spending allready so why go through the hassle of changing to another unfamiliar car which could have all the same issues again and more.

#5: Re: 206 1.4hdi reliability? Author: Danpemble PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:02 pm
I have a 1.4 hdi. I'm really amazed with it. Hardly had any problems with it, other then the same with the clutch needing replacing. But that will happen on any car. Oh and the cat breaking up (hammer fixed that) Got the cam belt changed when I got the car. I've owned mine for just over 3ish years, last week had both lower arms done but that's it. Il always service it when it's needed. Never let me down and never failed an mot. Just need to look after it and it will look after you... Money wise that is

#6: Re: 206 1.4hdi reliability? Author: old-muggins PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:36 am
well am glad to hear the responses here, it has been fine for the past week so far. Never had a fault with the engine or box. Im thinking the previous owner was just a nob and didnt do enough and neglected It.

Been told from a friend this morning who owns a 206 that has been a huge help (mark lockwood in rotheram. Says the knocking from both front corners over bumps could be lower arms. And the vibrating noise could be exhaust.

Im hoping as many of you have said get the other niggles sorted and it'll be fine.



#7: Re: 206 1.4hdi reliability? Author: RichardEke, Location: Doncaster PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:28 am
Hi there, knocking at the front could be the droplinks/stabiliser links/ anti roll bar links.
Appears to be a common thing, easy to check too. Just give them a wobble when the car is on the ground.

Regards, Richard

#8: Re: 206 1.4hdi reliability? Author: gazza82, Location: South Bucks PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:42 am
Got ours in 2003 with 6000 on clock .. now done 138K

It's had it moments ... mostly mechanical wear and tear. Clutch hose split once (misrouted and rubbing on gearbox probably at factory!) and like Danpemble the cat went. Replaced glow plug relay recently.

Only real major problem was a lower arm balljoint failing and caused car to drop ... but at slow speed luckily. That was me know replacing arm soon enough and probably cr@p chinese pattern parts.

I did find out our car had a new engine inside 200 miles! Head gasket failed and Peugeot fitted an new one ... might be where clutch hose was moved.

Usual wear&tear items are lower arms, driveshaft cvs, discs and pads and to lesser extend rear shoes.

#9: Re: 206 1.4hdi reliability? Author: dsiingh, Location: West Midlands PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:11 pm
1.4 HDi probably the best value for money. MY gearbox went on it after 124995 miles, ive sold it to my regular garage. Im planning on getting another one probably 2.0 HDI. Such as sad time..

-> 206 Talk

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