#1: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Horton898, Location: EarthPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:59 pm ---- So I got a new pioneer stereo today and already have the adapter for the wiring loom but for some reason it wont save any of the settings and asks for setup every time I start the car, also it wont switch to the usb/aux setting, ive been told all I have to do is swap the red and yellow wires over but im not too sure. Apart from that its working fine, just kinda want to avoid taking it to halfrauds, also im not to sure how to get the audio control stalk wired up too so any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
#2: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: ukskater01, Location: sutton surrey/welwyn garden cityPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 1:45 pm ---- You do need to swap the red and yellow wires, not to sure about the aux/usb. You might have to turn it on in the settings
#3: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Horton898, Location: EarthPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:40 pm ---- Thanks mate, swapped the red a yellow which were on bullets so that was one job made easier and now its good.
I've been a bit of a doughnut, my old pioneer I had to press the source button to get to USB but my new one has a I-pod button so ive been pressing that like a mad man trying to get it to work and didn't even think about pressing the source button to get to the USB mode haha so I'll give that a go in the morning when I go out.
#4: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Horton898, Location: EarthPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:06 pm ---- Sorry for the double post, it would not let me edit my post from earlier, another problem I've run into is securing the stereo as I've got the cage with it and facia but the stereo is really lose, literally just slides out which isn't good.
The one I have is not a CD player so its shorter, I went for this because I have all my music on a usb stick or phone.
But yeah how do I secure it?
#5: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Carlos_WR1, Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:07 pm ---- Could you not fit a single din short stereo cage and then use a strap/cable tie at the back to stop it going in too far?
#6: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Horton898, Location: EarthPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:36 pm ---- It has the short cage with it already, there's no support at all behind the stereo so the back dips down and when I take the usb lead out the stereo comes too, its as if I need about a 5cm long bolt with a pin on the end so I can use the original rubber mount on the back or some type of bolt extension but can't seem to find any :/
#7: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: mtempsch, Location: Gothenburg, SwedenPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:15 pm ----
Horton898 wrote:
I need about a 5cm long bolt with a pin on the end so I can use the original rubber mount on the back or some type of bolt extension but can't seem to find any :/
They do make 'bolt extenders' - typically to connect pieces of treaded rod. Looks like an about 5cm thick/long nut (actual length depends on diameter)...
Haven't seen a HU where the bolt was permanently attached, so I think a simple piece of threaded rod with thread matching the hole in the HU,cut to suitable length, should do it.
A nut at the HU end to lock it against the HU casing ie thread the rod into the hole, then tighten the nut against the case. Add a second nut, or use thread lock, to prevent it vibrating loose).
If the rod is to fat or thin for the rubber plug (IIRC from the ones I've had, the plug end has been slightly thinner than the Hu end), grind down the end, or add tape to make the plug a tight press fit.
#8: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Horton898, Location: EarthPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:57 am ---- Ahh see I didnt know the proper name for it but thats been a great help, thank you!
#9: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: mtempsch, Location: Gothenburg, SwedenPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:45 am ---- I think I'ill run into the same issue this weekend as I'll be installing a 'short' HU in my mother's car, and the cage isn't the thickest of sheet metal I've seen. Your post has me forewarned, and I can make sure that I'll have the required materials at hand.
#10: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Horton898, Location: EarthPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:35 am ---- Thanks again for the help, il try to get the bit I need asap and get photos up of the custom support to help others in future.
#11: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: mtempsch, Location: Gothenburg, SwedenPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:02 am ----
Horton898 wrote:
Thanks again for the help, il try to get the bit I need asap and get photos up of the custom support to help others in future.
Just thought of this: the threaded rod connectors are a hardware store item, but IIRC the end that goes into the rubber plug is like 3-4 mm and I just remembered that you can find both connectors (ie female/female) and extenders (male/female) in M3 thread in electronics stores - used as spacers between circuit boards and stand-offs to keep boards away from the inside of a case. Available both in metal and nylon.
#12: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Horton898, Location: EarthPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:00 pm ---- That's a good idea to be honest, I'll pop into barnitts tomorrow afternoon and see if I can pick up whats needed, failing that I was thinking of just getting a 5mm rod around 10cm long, screw it in the back of the stereo, add a bit of tape so the thread isn't damaged and tighen with pliers then force the rubber plug on the end and see how it fits but cut down the rod if needs be.
#13: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Moy87, Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:32 pm ---- Hi did u manage to get the stalk working with the radio replacement????
If so how?
#14: Re: how do I wire my stereo? Author: Horton898, Location: EarthPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:36 pm ---- I'm sure there will be a way to wire the stalk up but I couldn't figure it out, there will be plenty of people on here that have done it, if I am right there are two types of adapters to do it but which one you need depends on which stalk you have fitted, personally i just ended up removing it all together for three reasons,
One - The stereo isn't exactly a stretch
Two - If needs be can be controlled by Bluetooth unlike the old standard unit
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