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1.4hdi multiplexed airbag light
-> 206 Problems

#1: 1.4hdi multiplexed airbag light Author: old-muggins PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:55 pm
Hi everyone Smile hope your all well :),

Been making some headway on the 1.4hdi,
popped the end cap off the wiper stalk and stuck stick in the little hole inside and found it switched from clock to temp :). Swapped my single line mfd to multiline mfd and bingo! Range, inst mpg, ave mpg Smile great :). Couldnt find a way around the button for the stalk though. As mine doesnt have this button i have to out something inside the stalk and mess around.

While also at the scrappy i found a great steering wheel exactly the same as mine just better nick.

few quick questions:
1) my new multi line ppt40 mfd stay lit up permanently lights on or off makes no difference is this right?

2) is it possible to salvage/modify the end of my original non push button wiper stalk to a push button? Or do i have to change the total com2000 stalk unit?

3) having swapped steering wheels over the airbag light is now on... constantly.
How can i turn this off? everything eas connected completely made sure of that. when i took the wheel off i noticed the clockspring behind the wheel wasn't lined up with the two triangles, line them up and fitted the wheel and airbag and light is on.
Pp2000 needed if so what can i do?
also.. is it worth disconnecting the battery for 30 mins, disconnect the airbag module and then reconnect all up and hope that clears the fault?

its a 2002 1.4hdi multiplexed, auto wipers and lights


#2: Re: 1.4hdi multiplexed airbag light Author: old-muggins PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:14 am
No problem,

Now sorted!

#3: Re: 1.4hdi multiplexed airbag light Author: Steve206, Location: UK PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:14 pm
How odd you sort it. Might be useful info for someone else

#4: Re: 1.4hdi multiplexed airbag light Author: old-muggins PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:30 pm
i changed my original sponge vinyl lx spec steering wheel with an exact same lx sponge vinyl wheel that was in better condition.

Having removed my airbag and swapped wheels over i found the airbag light was on.

I had also fitted the larger multi-function display screen. I didnt have the button on the end of the wiper stalk to cycle through the range, mpg etc.
My car also has automatic headlight and wipers.

the solution in the end was to replace the coms2000 unit. This unit houses the stalk controls ime wipers and indicator stalks. And also the airbag clockspring.

Having trawled a local scrap yard for a coms2000 unit for autowiper and headlights that also had the push button fitting for the multi-function display unit, i could find one at all...

I got a basic spec 206 coms unit, checked the plug connections on the back of the unit and then poped the end caps off both stalks, took a button fitting from a picasso sx for the mfd unit. And then recycled my button for the auto headlights.
Plugged it all in and re-fitted the airbag and bingo. Airbag light lit up and went out as it should.
I also now have autoheadlights and auto wipers still and also have the mfd that displays my mpg and range etc.
The only catch is.... my stalks dont have the arrows on the wiper stalk and dont say auto for the lights and wipers.
However i have auto lights and wipers as i did before :).

-> 206 Problems

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