#1: 206 sw Author: pablo, Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:29 am ---- Hinfolks had a look about but couldn't find anything on here my problem is my glass part of my boot opens but the whole thing won't ,not very technical speak I know ,the rear wiper comes on when you start the car not all the time and if you open the glass part and touch the rubber tube holding the wires the wiper comes on ,have been told it may be a wire broken and that's the problem any ideas
#2: Re: 206 sw Author: Plumster, Location: NorfolkPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:04 am ---- I have to push or pull on the handle a bit to get mine to open, check the wiring where it goes between the roof and the hatch for damage/ water ingress
hope this helps
#3: Re: 206 sw Author: pablo, Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:36 am ----
Plumster wrote:
I have to push or pull on the handle a bit to get mine to open, check the wiring where it goes between the roof and the hatch for damage/ water ingress
hope this helps
Feel a right eejit now pushed on the hatch then pressed the catch and hey presto it opens what a idiot I feel thanks for your reply
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