#1: Peugeot Partner hdi 16 steelies will they fit my peugeot 206 Author: pug_206_uk, Location: Stoke on trentPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:06 am ---- i have a 1.4 hdi riding at standard height will they fit straight on with know problems
#2: Re: Peugeot Partner hdi 16 steelies will they fit my peugeot 206 Author: gazza82, Location: South BucksPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 3:07 pm ---- What size are the Partner wheels?
You can probably adjust the BSI for the different sizes to maintain the speedo accuracy.
#3: Re: Peugeot Partner hdi 16 steelies will they fit my peugeot 206 Author: pug_206_uk, Location: Stoke on trentPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:15 pm ---- Doesn't matter now they were 16 inch, he never got back to me just they were cheap so wondered if they would fit or not
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