#1: 1.1 S Backbox Author: KingCraigx, Location: LancashirePosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:35 am ---- Hello all,
Due to my backbox being rusty and needing to get replaced soon I might look into getting one to make a more deeper tone.
Im not after a chavtastic fart-cannon or a full stainless kit but something that will create a little noise, only issue is the price.
I can only seem to find sportex back-box's that will fit my car without any extra modifications. So probably a no to all these "universal" exhaust's on eBay.
Do you guys know where I can get a new or even second hand one without waiting for one to pop up on eBay or Gum tree?
Many Thanks.
#2: Re: 1.1 S Backbox Author: bistoo09, Location: GranthamPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:32 am ---- I got my Sportex back box off Gumtree for £50 - Luckily the guy selling was only 30miles from me and still offered to meet halfway for a bit of petrol money - See if there is anyone willing to meet halfway. ( i'm very sceptical about meeting people at their own houses etc.
Hope this helps
#3: Re: 1.1 S Backbox Author: KingCraigx, Location: LancashirePosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:39 am ---- Yeah I will probably try and get a second hand one but as you say its just meeting someone and if they are close enough.
What size tip is on yours?
#4: Re: 1.1 S Backbox Author: bistoo09, Location: GranthamPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:53 am ---- On mine I have a 4" tip or as my work colleagues call it. The bean tin
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