#1: 206 XS with Sunroof, water in windshield pillar. Author: Makikou, Location: FinlandPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:06 am ---- Hello, long time lurker, first time poster y' know.
So i was faced with this annoying sight yesterday after driving in rainy conditions:
It's very moist in that spot, it dripped a few water drops but that's about it, feels moisty and squishy when i press on it. This is driver's side and it is not apparent on co-driver side.
Seals around sidewindow are completely dry so it can't be there. Could it be the sunroof? I have a '99 XS 1.6l 206. Picture
Ideas? Anyone faced same issue?
#2: Re: 206 XS with Sunroof, water in windshield pillar. Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:52 am ---- Well you need to clean the water drain pipes inside the A pillar,so you take off the sun visor off,and the handle,and pull the head liner down carefully,and I prefer that it's dry so you don't break it,you will see a black hose,pull it out,and clean it :),and u will have no water inside again.
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