#1: Morette light issue Author: Conlonl, Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:25 pm ---- Hi I'm new here
I have today fitted some morettes headlights, I rather the cable on driver and passenger to the bolt behind and below the lights where the original cables are earthed, I also fitted the cable that is meant to be in the fuse box here too by mistake all worked fine for a while and then when I used full beam the passenger headlight went out and would not come on again when full beam was born on and off, I read this forum on how to wire morettes and then put the cable in the fuse box in the right place all adapters seem to be connected properly now how ever once I did this I had a new problem the headlight would now only come on when main beam was on, have I just blown a fuse here or could something else be wrong? Ang help appreciated
#2: Re: Morette light issue Author: Steve206, Location: UKPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:11 am ---- Check the fuse on the morrete wiring, and also the dipped bulbs. You may have blown them. What year car are they fitted to?
#3: Re: Morette light issue Author: Conlonl, Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:39 am ---- Hi
Thanks for your response changed the fuse today and luckily that's what it was I originally wired the lights wrong and wired the relay to earth since fixed it and that seems to have solved the issue
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