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strange light switch behavior
-> 206 Problems

#1: strange light switch behavior Author: Alex206, Location: Serbia PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:00 pm
ok, so, i have a petrol 206 1.4 16v MUX and a couple a days ago i have strarted to expiriance strange problems with my beloved pug. i have had HID installed, yes it's s**ty but i loved how the car looks like and you do not fail mot in my country with aftermarket HIDs not even on 206, the law exists but never has anybody failing me. Cut to the case; one of my ballast burned put so i decided to revers to regular h7 bulb because in that time i didn't have time to fit new balast on. after finishing while testing i notice next:

when trying to lit side lights on at firs i tot that they aren't working but, then light up after 5, 6 seconds, dash side light, back lights no probably exept of delay

next, when you try to light up headlights they'r light up but if you try to go back to side lights you cannot because dipped beams stay on as well as dash indicator and the only way to swich them off is to go back to zero position..

next problem, strange thing going on with turning signals, when you give a right hand signal and swich to side light turning signal swiches off ass well as everything else, but when you try to make left signal it just turns of the lighs but keeps the turning signal working

hi beams working fine regards of all this and i have daylight and automatic night lightning on and working OK.

So i am very confused and thinking on three problems, strating from the ceapest one, i hvave grounding problem, no2 steering colum comand modul is faulty (light switch) or BSI.

PLEASE HELP! Rolling Eyes

#2: Re: strange light switch behavior Author: Addaz, Location: Suffolk PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:10 am
Sounds like metal swarf in the comms unit (light stalk)

You can take it apart and confirm or compressed air into it

#3: Re: strange light switch behavior Author: Alex206, Location: Serbia PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:01 am
THX man, will try this today, and writting down as soon as i finished!

-> 206 Problems

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