#1: Aux belt loose Author: philipJfry, Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:32 am ---- Hi guys,
My auxiliary belt has worn itself out(goes quiet when I put a bit of water on it) so I picked up a new belt the other day. Problem is, the new belt is loose. The one I bought(6PK 1565 I think?) is the correct one, but when I checked the one that was already on the car it turns out it was a 6PK 1520.
Car is a 2000 1.4 XR. AC, PS and alternator are on the belt. I'm fairly certain the alternator, power steering pump and compressor can't be adjusted so I have no idea why the stock belt won't fit. There are two idler pulleys in the system, one which I have to roll back to install, and the other one is apparently fixed.
The one that rolls back still seems to have enough spring tension. Can the second(fixed) idler pulley be adjusted or something? I only got the car six months ago so I have no idea what the previous owners got up to.
#2: Re: Aux belt loose Author: gazza82, Location: South BucksPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:00 pm ---- Only the movable tensioner adjusts. Check the bottom pulley isn't worn ... They have a rubber part between centre and outer rim and this degrades.
#3: Re: Aux belt loose Author: gazza82, Location: South BucksPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:00 pm ---- Only the movable tensioner adjusts. Check the bottom pulley isn't worn ... They have a rubber part between centre and outer rim and this degrades.
#4: Re: Aux belt loose Author: philipJfry, Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:20 am ---- It didn't _seem_ to be loose when I had the belt out. I'll check it out in the morning anyway. Thanks for the info!
#5: Re: Aux belt loose Author: Motorracingbruce1980, Location: West SussexPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 3:31 am ---- Might of had a different size belt fitted for a reason. Maybe a Different size Alternator pulley or tensioner pulley. Just order the belt the same size as what you have taken off
#6: Re: Aux belt loose Author: philipJfry, Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:21 pm ---- Yup, I replaced it with the size that was on it. Was a bit too tight though. Looked like the AC compressor had been replaced, though I have no idea how they found one with the same mount points.
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