#1: Battery went flat. Author: josh1073, Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:58 pm ---- 2004 206 1.1 Car battery went flat as it sat for 3 weeks due to no insurance, took the battery out and its now on a charger is there anything i need to know when i put it back? Like a sequence or code?
Thanks for any replys.
#2: Re: Battery went flat. Author: FrankAteMyName, Location: TewkesburyPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 5:52 pm ---- Ideally you should drop the driver's window and close all of the doors before reconnectiong. Then once it's hooked up turn on the sidelights through the window (Don't open the door). This initiates a 'soft boot' of the BSI. Opening a door may cause the BSI to panic and has been known in rare cases to brick the BSI/ECU. The risk is very low but that's what the folk on here recommend.
#3: Re: Battery went flat. Author: David1156, Location: East LondonPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 2:39 am ---- Pretty much what has been said above but you can also have someone sit in the car and turn the sidelights on. Here's a detailed set of instructions: www.206info.co.uk/Foru...20314.html
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