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Peugeot 206, radio, head unit and key problem
-> 206 Problems

#1: Peugeot 206, radio, head unit and key problem Author: jello PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:15 pm
Okay so at Christmas I got a Sony radio for my car, I got the radio working quickly but it wasn't saving settings and I didn't have a radio aerial adapter, so a few days later I ordered an aerial adapter and I found out I needed to switch the yellow and red wires around to save the settings. So I did the wires and it was working fine, when I went to install the adapter a few days later I just have pulled a wire and broke it (didn't know then) so I assumed i did something to the wire as the radio turned on in other cars but not mine.
So I waited for some time as I was not able to have it fixed yet, a couple of weeks later my car key battery ran out of battery so I got a new battery and because of this I tried reprogramming the key as it wouldn't unlock the car but the reprogramming wasn't working so I tested it with another key and that didn't work either. So now both keys for the car won't unlock it so we have to do it manually and stop the alarm but central locking works to lock it just after getting out of the car, it's like it forgets the key settings soon after use.
So because of the radio my dad tested the wires and was able to run a wire and get the radio working but it still won't save settings still as it has one wire or something now not sure on the specifics. Along with this the head unit above some times works and doesn't and is very dim.

Overall now car won't save settings on radio, keys won't unlock the car using central locking as if it forgets the key settings and (I think, car isn't with me) the head unit isn't really working. maybe I messed with a wire to stop all of these things working... please help

#2: Re: Peugeot 206, radio, head unit and key problem Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:03 pm
I would say it might have something to do with this thread but as you have deleted what the problem was and put -FIXED- we have no idea.

#3: Re: Peugeot 206, radio, head unit and key problem Author: jello PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:38 am
That's because it was just the saving settings problem and I fixed it then but now there's a new wire and both yellow and red go into the same connector so I can't switch around.

Edit I looked at the linked post and unfortunately all fuses are fine

-> 206 Problems

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