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206 cutting out on idle/low revs until the engine is 70ºC
-> 206 Problems

#1: 206 cutting out on idle/low revs until the engine is 70ºC Author: Vertigo PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 10:08 pm
My 1.1 2004 Zest Peugeot 206 won't start unless you press the accelerator and turn the key, once it starts, if you remove your foot from the accelerator the revs will drop and the car will stall, if you drop the clutch without having your foot on the accelerator it will also stall. Once it gets up to temp it won't stall when the clutch is down/ when its idle.

If you turn the engine off while it's hot and back on it works fine, however I tested turning the headlights on and it died and took all the electrics with it, after unplugging the battery and reconnecting it it required a little bit of accelerator when starting it up, once it's started it would stall again unless you slowly bring the accelerator up and the revs will drop to 600-700 then bounce back up, if I bring my foot off quickly it will stall.

Car also acts up throwing the three airbag lights and the battery light. After charging the battery fully this subsides. I've tested the alternator with my multi meter and it's producing just shy of 15 volts.

There's a few things that need doing to it like a new catalytic converter/welding on the exhaust, new breaks etc. I'm thinking it could be the throttle sensor I'm not very mechanically inclined, more of a programmer but I can do a few things myself.

I looked at the coil pack but it doesn't have any branding, I'm not sure which brand the sparkplugs are or if they've ever been changed.

Here's a screenshot of the vehicle inquiry service for the exact specification of the vehicle.

#2: re:206 cutting out on idle/low revs until the engine is 70ºC Author: VorTechS, Location: Gloucestershire, UK PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 6:57 am
As a simplest first step, I'd try looking at the Idle Control Valve. It sounds like could do with a good clean, and it's a simple enough to do job, as illustrated in the following thread

#3:  Author: Vertigo PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 12:45 pm
Cheers, I'll give that a go while I'm flushing the coolant today then.

The car is working fine now, flicked headlights on and it threw a battery light for a split second but was fine after that, high beams, dipped etc. Weird car.


-> 206 Problems

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