I recently bought this as a cheap run about project car, almost all the electrics were not working , upon inspection due to there being a total of 7 fuses in the das fuse box and most of the engine bay ones also missing as well as all the relays.
With help of a fuse box diagram I’ve got almost everything now working.
The only issue I have now is the windscreen wipers are not working , the rear works fine
as well as the washers but the front washers work but the wipers are totally dead.
If anyone has any info or ideas they would be gratefully accepted.
#2: Re: 206 windscreen wiper problem Author: Sim, Location: West CountryPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 8:46 pm ---- Your car's front and rear wipers are guarded by the same fuse (F25 footwell fusebox).
So if the rear wiper works, it will be either the motor (test it with multimeter, could even directly wire it to 12V), or something gone wrong in the BSI that controls it, located behind the fusebox -- that's where the clicking comes from; wiper motor's not got a dedicated relay, only cars from October 2001 (multiplexed) have such relays.
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