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Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other cars?
-> 206 Talk

#1: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other cars? Author: jackpeugot PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:09 pm
Can anyone recommend a hand held scanner with as much functionality
as possible around the 50GBP or so mark? (Not mobile phone/wifi)
This is pretty new tech to me.

My 206 is a 2002 1.4i (UK) so it must work with that first

(all the ones I can find seem to be 2003 onwards for the peugot
... or have very bad reviews while deceptively claiming to work with
1996 onwards... It's all a bit of a minefield to a newcomer...)
I also want it to work with a newer Ford later if at all possible.
(Hence not the planet Peugot setup)


#2: Re: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other cars? Author: gazza82, Location: South Bucks PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:54 pm
2002 1.4i petrol should be EOBD compatible ... but PSA were crafty and a lot of functions are in the BSI so not accessible withot a PSA compatible unit. To put it in perspective the Sealey unit I bought in 2006 to work with my 2002 1.4HDi and the daughter's 2001 2.0iCC cost just shy of £300!

#3: Re: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other c Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:17 pm
2002 petrol 206 will be EOBD so reading the engine fault codes is simple enough with an EOBD reader.

If you want full access to the BSI fault codes / configuration or ABS / Airbag etc faults you need to use Planet.

#4: Re: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other c Author: jackpeugot PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:18 am
Thank you for the replies but as I tried to indicate - I am not familiar with all
this and throwing abbreviations at me leads me to wikipedia but doesn't help in the
search for a device that works.

As I explained I need to work on 2 cars - one a ford so planet is useless to me.

In fact it seems the makers of all the hand held devices seem reluctant to
say what models work and what dont. Some of that no doubt because they havn't tested
or are small garden shed style makers but just the same - spending 100GBP
on a device should get something that does what it says and far better information on what works and what doesnt.

I am also very suprised that a group forum such as this doesnt have all its
users writing in with various device experiences. Perhaps the fixation with something as
complex to set up and use as planet just sends hand held users elsewhere?

If I was doing this regularly I could justify £300 gazza - and thanks fo the device name
but I just want to check 2 things out right now and have a device to use later if i have to - 300 seems a bit pricey - I'll take a look just the same).

I'm sure your replies would help a mechanic but I'm just a hobby level starter and this doesnt help my level. Just saying use an eobd reader doesnt help when the small print in the adverts says 2006 or later - sometimes - if you can find it and maybe the device works or maybe it doesnt even then.

#5: Re: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other cars? Author: gazza82, Location: South Bucks PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:32 am
Problem is what works on Ford isn't likely to work on a Pug ... and for the Pug you need Planet Peugeot to get to the BSI (separate box of tricks to car's ECU).

You can probably get a cheap one for the Ford, but from the posts on here and other Peugeot Forums they don't respond well to "cheap" ..

#6: Re: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other cars? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:03 am
Any UK EOBD code reader will read ENGINE fault codes on your 206.

EOBD code readers had to by law read engine fault codes from 2001 onwards petrol vehicles & 2004 onwards diesel vehicles.

I have a RAC branded HP103 EOBD code reader, I've read multiple different manufacturers vehicles for engine fault codes over the years.

If you want to go more in depth with your 206 & its various diagnostic / testing features for the rest of the cars systems you would need Peugeot Planet or Diagbox run from a laptop.

#7: Re: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other cars? Author: jackpeugot PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:30 am
I really didn't want to spend £300 gazza82 but thanks for the info and iput anyway!

Thanks for that last post MrBSI - that is exactly the information I was
looking for and couldn't find when I gave up and posted the original message.
Not being from an automotive background I'm not used to knowing what to ask.
All those things are discussed randomly but never with simple statements of what
the implications are.

I've gone ahead and bought a scanner now - and frankly I'm not impressed
with a number of aspects considering the 150GBP cost - these things all seem
to be designed by college students. It does - as you say - the basic job on the
peugot and a bit more on the newer ford and I can use it on the rest of the familys motors
if needs be which is what I wanted.

The peugot is a sad job - I've had it garage maintained until they couldnt fix
this injector issue so I thought I'd just do it as a hobby project myself and see
how far I can get. Its full of new parts and I really hate to see those wasted.

Unfortunately of course - this scanner only tells me injector open circuit - not
even which injector - although the garage did replace one. Perhaps I
should start a new thread and document progress here?
It seems a common complaint. As far as I can see reading the workshop
manual there's both mechanical and electronics closed loops making things
a bit of a nightmare to isolate.

#8: Re: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other cars? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:48 am
Remember on the Peugeot number 1 cylinder is the GEARBOX end! This still to this day even catches out mechanics.

Also with the Peugeot they are well known to throw an injector fault code where in reality it's an ignition coil / spark plug issue. The engine ECU is smart enough to detect a misfire & it also shuts off the correspond injector so as not to poison the cat.

It would be interesting to scan it with Planet & see what else / other faults are hidden in the system.

#9: Re: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other cars? Author: jackpeugot PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:22 am

Thanks for the info - the cyclinder thing catches me out too - (having little recent car experiance ) I assume gearbox end is the battery side of the engine ? (I have a hayes manual here and reading it they keep getting left and right mixed up - thats confusing)

Yes I've been reading online and discovered the cyclinder mix-up also happens with some scanners in that they
sometimes use cylinder number and sometimes firing order (without saying which). Sadly my new one
doesnt even say which cylinder it thinks.

I also discovered - as you point out - the ECU shuts a cylinder down so I've also ordered some bosch plugs
and will check the coil pack number when I take it off. Its due for plugs anyway.
I also bought a used injector wiring cable to help diagnose if I need it when I get that far.
I doubt its a cable as it runs smooth when cold and these cables aren't circuit boards (I have an electronics
background and cracked boards are familiar) I doubt a warm up fault can affect these this regularly but everyone I talk to says its that ..
(I should point out I dont have a garage and am just getting things ready for a hopefully sunny summer)

From an elecronics engineers point of view it is (as you say) most likely the ECU shutting the pot down
for whatever reason. The hallmarks are all there I'd say.

Yes I'd like to put peugot planet on but I can't buy tools for a car I might have to scrap if I cant fix.
(as I said my other needs are fords not peugots) I hope to keep the 206 because its fun to drive - unlike
a focus which wallows about like a volvo 240.... not to mention all the new parts and garage work done on it
being wasted

I must admit I'm thinking maybe lambda sensor may also be involved - just a gut feeling from all I've read
I wish I hadn't sold my Picoscope last year now !

#10: Re: Recommend an OBD scanner I can use on my 206 and other cars? Author: Claudia-cc, Location: West Yorkshire PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:00 am
Hello jackpeugot,
Where abouts are you?
Someone on here may be local to you & help you out with thier Planet..

-> 206 Talk

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