#1: Too high voltage on accelerator pedal Author: SamOre, Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 1:48 pm ---- Hi, I`m working on a project with my 206 - 2002, 1,6xs. Suddenly my accelarator pedal is not working. I have like 9 volts on three of the cables to the accelerator and 4.95v on the fourth. There should be 0.2v, 0,4v and 0v (ground). What has happend? Any ideas? Could there be och malfunction in the ECU? The car starts but nothing happens when i try to accelerate.
#2: Re: Too high voltage on accelerator pedal Author: Addaz, Location: SuffolkPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:01 pm ---- From top of my head the pedal should have the standard live, earth, 5v feed and two outputs that should equate to 5v total.
If your output is incorrect then chances are it's the pedal. Check to make sure all the inputs are okay.
(May or may not have 5v input wire depending on how many wires go to the pedal)
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