#1: 2005 206CC ABS Recurculation pumps fault Author: zztsfk, Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 1:41 pm ---- Hi everyone.Im new in your forum page and im ZED from Turkey .i checked old titles but i couldnt find an exact answer about my fault.i have a big problem because i spent so much money,bought an new ABS brain but ABS fault light still is on .
Planet 2000 computer program says ''ABS or ESP recurcilation pump locked on CO,CC - or CC+ ''(not exactly same but something like that as i remembered)
The service said your pump is working,yhere is not any problem,we will fix your ABS brain.They opened it and fixed. but 2-3 days later same problem occured.They said this brain is dead,we should change it totally. we bought a second hand same code brain 1 day later the ABS fault light on again. I read same problem in google but i clouldnt find the right answer. Can u help me for my problem? Thank you
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