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1.6 Hdi GTi replacement fuel cap sensor
-> 206 Problems

#1: 1.6 Hdi GTi replacement fuel cap sensor Author: jb1029 PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 11:18 pm

I’ve had an ‘unblock diesel filter’ message come up on the console when driving. I plugged in a code reader which gave me P2408. Done some digging into this which seems to point to the fuel cap sensor not detecting the difference between the fuel cap being open and shut so no additive being added and DPF is slowly blocking Sad

Does anyone know which part numbers could possibly be at fault or have any diagrams of the fuel cap system?


#2: Re: 1.6 Hdi GTi replacement fuel cap sensor Author: gazza82, Location: South Bucks PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 5:23 pm
Sure that code reader works on a Pug?

I've tried a few and if it's not 100% compatible it can lead you up the garden path with a wrong code ..

Same with our old Renault .. AA said it was a "high pressure fuel pump" .. mine (Sealey and supposedly PSA compatible) said glow plug relay ... in the end it was two dead glowplugs!

-> 206 Problems

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