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Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added...
-> Project Cars

#1: Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added... Author: stiffy, Location: Hereford PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:03 am
Hey all Waving o/

Here goes, I've had my 1.4 HDi since March bought it with just under 80k on the clock completely standard '52' Plate.



Within a week of owning it I got hold of some Scirroco's with tyres on for a good deal so on they went Smile



A couple of weeks later a GTi rear bumper in my colour cropped up so I bought that.

Then about a week after that a GTi front bumper in my colour came along, I could'not believe my luck! Thumbs Up




Then my Crackshaft Pulley decided it was going to make a nasty racket so that halted mods somewhat due to it costing £167 to put right Crying or Very sad

The French Car show came along before I knew it and I bought some Angel Eyes from DeadEyePaul (cheers mate Smile ) and some pressed style number plates.


Some track shots from FCS Smile




My car was really taking shape now so I booked it in for it's first major service in the time I had owned it costing a whopping £243 Surprised this also halted mods somewhat but I soon recovered Wink

After having seen some of the fantastic work gone in to our beloved 206's at FCS it gave me some inspiration for my interior so out came the spray can, I always thought this looked quite tacky but after having done it I really like the look


Then my old Saxo bucket seats that have been sat in my garage for years came out and after much mucking about between me and a few mates they were 'persuaded' to go in Wink



My armrest for that added motorway comfort Rolling Eyes


Then I finally got round to having my coilover kit fitted, at long last




She's down 40mm and it was totally worth it Very Happy you might also notice my alloys are now white too Thumb Up

While it was being lowered my mechanic fitted my Brembo discs and Mintex pads because my old discs were close to shattering Surprised whoops! Razz

It's going back in the next few weeks to have my back box fabricated to fit as it's from a GTi fitment and needs some modification to go on, other than that though she's nearly complete Thumbs Up

Next on the list is;

De-wipering the rear
Finish off colour coding the bump strips
Black vinyl-ing the roof
Boost guage Cool
Custom re-map

So from this


To this in less than 6 months


And just a nice scenic shot with a little colour editing Smile


Thank you for reading, comments welcome Smile

Last edited by stiffy on Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:46 am; edited 5 times in total

#2: Re: Stiffys HDi 'GTi', 'Not really a Project' Project thread Author: lucyloo, Location: Devon PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:44 pm
How come you didn't buy a gti in the first place?

#3: Re: Stiffys HDi 'GTi', 'Not really a Project' Project thread Author: stiffy, Location: Hereford PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:46 pm
because i wanted a £30 tax band and 600+ miles to a full tank of fuel... Rolling Eyes

#4: Re: Stiffys HDi 'GTi', 'Not really a Project' Project thread Author: S222Chan, Location: Northampton/Somerset PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:46 pm
wooo another 5-door Very Happy ,
Nice and u need a spoiler.....

#5: Re: Stiffys HDi 'GTi', 'Not really a Project' Project thread Author: stiffy, Location: Hereford PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:25 am
yeah i do mate would set it off having one Smile

and yeah 5 doors are definatly in Razz

#6: Re: Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added... Author: stiffy, Location: Hereford PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:55 am
More added and Thread Re-vamped Smile

Comments welcome

#7: Re: Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added... Author: Mike PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:47 am
Looks very nice! Will look spot on once the spoiler is on and side strips coloured Very Happy

#8: Re: Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added... Author: stiffy, Location: Hereford PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:52 am
Thanks! Smile

Yeah spoiler and CC'ing isn't an immediate mod I have in mind to be honest, they will come but as a last thing of the list sort of job Smile

#9: Re: Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added... Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West Midlands PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:01 am
Looks great! clear side repeaters? plans sound good black roof will be cool

I'd cc it though takes years off, and spoiler!

#10: Re: Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added... Author: mattymj, Location: Norfolk PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:31 am
Looking good, like the fcs pic with my black 180 in it Smile hope i helped towards your white wheel choice hehe

#11: Re: Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added... Author: stiffy, Location: Hereford PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:00 am
Cheers guys, yeah I'm gonna see if I can get hold of some Clear Side Repeaters, they will probably come with the colour coding when that gets done Smile

and yeah mattymj, I did notice your car a lot at FCS couldn't stop looking at it to be honest Razz so yeah I'd say your white wheels were a big inspiration hehe Smile

#12: Re: Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added... Author: Teebag, Location: exhall, bedworth, coventry PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:21 am
woo! a red version of my car!!! yey!!! loving the work you've done here buddy Smile

#13: Re: Stiffys 1.4 HDi - Revamped and more added... Author: bertt, Location: chester PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:08 am
nice car that mate should come along nicely.

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