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Sneakys Sport - Update -GTI6 17/03/12
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#1: Sneakys Sport - Update -GTI6 17/03/12 Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:02 pm
Hi, had a little trip home yesterday, so fitted a little something to the car and thought i would take a few snaps while i was at it. Pictures arent great quality unfortunately - couldnt find the charger for the good camera!



A snap of my pews Razz

My lovely clean plasticy engine bay Very Happy 1.6 16v's of French Fury! ....errr yea.

An attempted mean face pic Twisted Evil

A nother one for poops and giggles!

and A badly MP'd debadged boot - havent done this yet, but its on the summer to do list!

First week back at home ill be doing:
Black 16 nims Smile thanks to Connet for those!
GTI Spoiler - thanks to hamspeed for hooking me up.
picked up my LCR splitter today so that will go on.
and going to try my hand at colour coding center console that i got from MisterB.

lowering will follow pretty sharpish.

Enjoy Smile

Last edited by Lowercase on Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:13 am; edited 15 times in total

#2: Re: Sneakys Sport Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West Midlands PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:04 pm
I love this car just for the colour of it think i'ts really cool and uncommon! Plans are good aswell debadge is a massive yes! look forward to seeing it

#3: Re: Sneakys Sport Author: Howey, Location: Kings Lynn PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:06 pm
Nice one Sneaky! Very Happy Looking good!

#4: Re: Sneakys Sport Author: RAWLUK12, Location: nottingham the one and only place to be!! PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:12 pm
yayee we have the same colour car!! it's a lovely colour!! Very Happy

#5: Re: Sneakys Sport Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:52 pm
yea iron grey ftw Very Happy Razz

cant wait to get the spoiler and black nims on though, its crying out to me!

though they will be getting a refurb once they are tatty enough to justify it.

thinking either , bright silver, white or something unusual like takata green or orange or maybe dark matt/satin goldy bronze - its a bit jap but im into that kinda thing, not sure how it will look on a frenchy though so ill see.

#6: Re: Sneakys Sport Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & Leicester PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:48 am
I love that colour. Well done mate.

#7: Re: Sneakys Sport Author: Rich196 PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:17 am
Looks awesome love the interior and body colour

#8: Re: Sneakys Sport Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 9:08 am
What are people using to attatch their LCR splitters?

im guessing i need to remove the little plasticy thing in the middle of the bumper, then offer up the splitter and shorten the ends to match the bumper.

then? drill some holes and use self tapping screws?

help please Smile

- Reniewed my insurance today so the mods are now free to go on as soon as i get back, and beieve me the rims should be on in the first 2 hours of being home Very Happy £1161 fully comp from Adrian Flux so i can do anything i want to its looks etc and it wont go up, only power mods will push it up even more Smile and i havent got any of them in the plans yet.

#9: Re: Sneakys Sport Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:19 am
A little update to the car today.

Spot the Difference!


I love that shot!
just a mini update as i say.

I have some pics of part 1 of fitting the LCR splitter, which ill finish on thursday when my bro comes over.

and...finally, my replacement nimrod should be back tomorow from South Coast Customs and refurbished in a smart gloss black.

so if all goes to plan (unlikely with the week im having - need to get my locking wheel nutts broken off first so i can replace them with a set of McGards) they should be on the car tomorow afternoon! Very Happy they will set the badge off nicely.

Upcoming: Car has been booked into a place in Brighton for the 28th to have the top of the tailgate resprayed, and my GTI roof spoiler sprayed up and fitted.

and ill be debading the boot and doors before it goes into the shop.

Lastly, a few shots after a clean, and my little back seat mascot! Simples Wink *squeak!*


I love this next shot too ! looks really purposeful Twisted Evil


Last edited by Lowercase on Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:45 am; edited 2 times in total

#10: Re: Sneakys Sport - Updated with pics! Author: Bigbenj_08, Location: Cardiff PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:22 am
nice mate... very nice Smile

planning on doing my lion badge at th weekend hopefully Smile

#11: Re: Sneakys Sport - Updated with pics! Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:23 am
i had to do my lion twice, as something blew in through the tiny window in my 'well ventilated spay booth' and landed in the laquer.

what colour you doing it? i was torn between black and colour coding.

#12: Re: Sneakys Sport - Updated with pics! Author: Bigbenj_08, Location: Cardiff PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:25 am
I dunno... I was going to do the surround in black with a red lion and then get my calipers CC'd to match.

Bought a spare lion of ebay with a grille for a tenner so i'm gonna have a play about Very Happy

#13: Re: Sneakys Sport - Updated with pics! Author: Bigbenj_08, Location: Cardiff PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:40 am
Have you taken your nimrods of or winter btw? When you getting them back on?!

#14: Re: Sneakys Sport - Updated with pics! Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:47 am
one of them was buckled, so after a month or two farting about trying to find a spare, i finaly have two. sent one to be refurbished in gloss black, its supposed to be ready tomorow, so ill have them back on then

#15: Re: Sneakys Sport - New Rims! Pic heavy - Updated 26/06/10 Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:15 pm
Well, i had a bit of a busy few days.

First of all, i finished fitting my LC splitter the other night, looks great, finishes the front end off well Very Happy

My brother 'The Human clamp!' and my wallet on the bonnet... if you ever see it laying on a pub table, please send it to....

And... finally..finally got my replacement nimrod back from the refurbishers! isnt as good as the other three as its been sprayed not powdercoated. but it will do untill i refurbish the whole set when they get tatty or i get bored of black.

so heres some pics. keep in mind: A) cars filthy. Will clean it tomorow. B) It needs lowering i know, im saving for it now!







I'll give it a good clean and polish tomorow, and ill debadge the boot and doors if i have the time, then, its off to the body shop on monday to be spoiled rotten Very Happy

comments welcome.

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