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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:05 am |
Joined: May 17, 2011 Posts: 177
Trade Rating: +2
Location: Tain, Highlands
Alrite i need some advice on three topics nothing major but on night shift and thats usually when i do most bits and bobs on ma car.
How do i remove the wiper arms as there going a bit dull, so gonna give them a spray. Removed the bolts on top but they seem to be held on with some thing else. Any ideas to get them off?

This was on the steering wheel when i got the car dont really know what it is but what would be the best way to get rid off it?

I have some scratches on the car and i got some T-cut from a friend and im wondering if this would be ok to use on my Aegean Blue pug? If so any advice on using T-cut as iv never used it lol!

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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:13 am |
Joined: Jan 07, 2011 Posts: 224
Trade Rating: +3
Location: Leyland, Lancashire
hit the wipers with a rubber mallet, they will eventually come off.
try soapy watter for the wheel, if not bit of cif, if not new airbag?
ya can try the t-cut, but if the scratches are deeper than the first layer of lacquer they wont budge. all i use tcut for nowadays is when i run out of rubbing compound on a spray job.
hope this helps
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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:29 am |
Joined: Feb 12, 2010 Posts: 4308
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Id say just spray on the mask, mask everything off around them, saves messing about taking them off
The mark on the steering wheel, id use CIF cream as that gets rid of almost everything!
and depends how deep the scratches are, as above
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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:31 am |
Joined: Apr 26, 2010 Posts: 5489
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1. leave them on n mask up.
2. a general stong apc mixture will work ( daisy washing up liquid or stardrops )
3. i wouldnt use t-cut there's better things out there.
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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:31 am |
Joined: May 20, 2011 Posts: 359
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Location: Newquay, Cornwall
May aswell give the t-cut a try 
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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:20 am |
Joined: Jan 29, 2011 Posts: 6526
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Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire
That t-cut stains everything it comes into contact with. I still have blue marks on the drive where i spilt some.
I don't like the colour fast stuff as it doesn't seem to have as much cut in as the original. Like Dan says there is better out there, but it depends on what you've got and what you can afford. As others say, it all depends on how deep the scratches are. No amount of t-cut will do anything if the scratch is through the lacquer and into the base coat.
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