Joined: Feb 08, 2010 Posts: 5113
Trade Rating: +7
Location: The car in front
Well, after much argy bargy and faffing about, we have a complete list of reps!
Congratulations to:
Ryan (Razpulsedj)..........Yorkshire
Sam (SamC)..................Yorkshire
Joe (Kersh)....................West Midlands
Dominik (Kingdom200}...West Midlands
Liam (Liam Hutch)...........The East
Nathan (abzynthe)..........The East
Dan (Dan_vvt)................South East
Gems.............................South East
Stu (VortechS)................South West
Jazzi (Kencogurl).............Wales
Dan (Bassline_Toad)........Wales
Andrew (Tofy92)..............London
Adam (drunknmunky)......North West
Dave (Suicidalsoldi3r)......North West
Tom (Tomd)......North East
Now, as you can see, we have a couple of positions missing such as Scotland, bits of the Midlands and the North. As such, if you think you can fill these positions, whack a PM in the general direction of me or Mrs. Howey and we'll add you to this list if we think you fit the bill.
Similarly, if any of the chosen reps wish to change areas, just say.
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