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Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:17 am |
Joined: Feb 08, 2010 Posts: 5113
Trade Rating: +7
Location: The car in front
206Info Guidelines
Dear Members of 206info,
Please read the guidelines below. In the use of the 206info forum, you accept that you have understood and agree to abide by these guidelines.
Please be aware that these guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of 206info.co.uk, to ensure the smooth running of the Forum. You as a user of the forum will be notified of any changes and will be updated in this forum section.
We do insist that you abide by the guidelines and policies detailed below. Although the administrators and moderators of 206info.co.uk do their best to moderate every message posted on the forum, some members may be able to view them before we do, thus we will not be held responsible for the content of any message.
In the use of the 206info forum, you agree that will not post any messages that are classified as obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, racial, hateful, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, libellous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy, threatening or otherwise violative of any laws.
Any threads or posting of abusive comments or links (also including private messages or e-mail through this site) are banned. As are posts and links of a sexual, lewd, explicit, racial or gratuitous nature. 206info will remove any such threads without reason. Persons found to be posting such material will have their access to the forum temporarily or permanently removed as an outcome of the discussion between 206info staff. Certain posts that you may find acceptable may not be acceptable to other registered users of this forum please do not post, title or make links to any abusive, offensive, insulting material. This is a family forum and is used by a variety of users and should be suitable for them all, whatever age.
The posting of pornographic material, and links to is banned on this forum.
The use of the forum for the free promotion of business or other clubs, or the sale of parts is also strictly frowned upon unless the 206info staffers are made aware and agree to allow you to do so. Any trade posts must first be accepted by the 206info staff
Abusive or slanderous postings against people, individuals or companies are forbidden. If you have had problems with an individual, company or forum leader, then before posting your views on here your first port of call is to make contact with the said person or people, giving them a chance to settle the matter. If the company/ individual is endorsed/ a user or talked about on this forum please make the 206info staff aware of the situation, and take the correct actions and contact trading standards. The club cannot be held legally responsible for any views or postings on this site. As a registered user you agree not to post slanderous allegations or views against people / persons on this site. The 206info staff reserve the right to remove any such post without reason.
As a user you are free to post an Avatar. Selections of these are pre-loaded for your use. If you choose to upload your own they cannot be obscene, vulgar, pornographic, sexist, homophobic, blasphemous, sexually orientated, hateful, racial, threatening or offensive in any way.
The 206info staff have the right to remove/change user's avatars for any reason, without notification. Please note, avatar images must be smaller than 24KB and a maximum of 100px x 100px.
You may also use imagery in your forum signature, which is governed by the same rules as applied to that off the Avatars in the above section. You may not attach banner adverts in your forum signature promoting events, other websites, or personal online sales shops without first seeking the permissions of the 206info staff.
The blatant use of free advertising and un-necessarily large signatures/fonts is frowned upon, and may be removed without notice by the admin team if in their view it is unacceptable. Please note, maximum picture signature size is 150x570 pixels.
For information on how to add an avatar or signature, please click the link below:
These are now disallowed on the board.
We are a car club forum, not an autotrader site.
Gauging interest threads may be allowed, dependent on context. Please PM a staff member before posting.
The posting of illegal cruise posts or illegal events is banned on this forum. As is the posting of links promoting or detailing such activities. 206info does not support/condone or back in any way shape or form any cruise related material that users may post on this forum. 206info will remove all such posts unless the poster can otherwise prove its legality. 206info does not wish to be associated with any form of cruise/cruises or cruising.
206info has no control over items posted for sale on this forum. Please take care when entering into private sales. If you experience any problems in the purchase of goods from a forum user please contact one of our moderation team.
When posting a For Sale thread please include detailed pictures, and an asking price, any threads that do not conform to these requirements will be removed without notice.
Those who join solely to post items for sale will have their thread removed without warning and any repeat offenders will occur a ban.
Certain activities deemed un-acceptable and should be avoided are:-
* Hijack posts with un-related comments or posts, (For off topic waffle please use the Free Chat forum section).
* The use of Threads for chatting.
* Please try and place relevant threads in the correct sections.
* Where possible, please try to include a photograph of the item(s) you are selling along-side a truthful and detailed description of the item(s)
* For Ebay links please include information on what the item is, not just a link.
* No gauging interest threads, even if posted in other sections.
We have a dedicated area for non e-marked modifications for our members that own track only cars that are not to be used on public roads.
Posting talk of any non e-marked modification is not allowed elsewhere on the website. Any talk of them either for a road car or show car will be treated as the same and moved or removed from the forum without notice. For clarification please see either the FAQ section or consult VOSA website.
206Info does not condone modifications that do not meet the explicit guidelines of the Vehicle Standards Agency.
As above the posting or boasting of speeds reached will not and cannot be tolerated. This includes anyone who owns a private road, test track or airfield. As with all post's that are deemed unacceptable they will be removed without warning.
Members should be aware that when attending any meets or official events under the 206info name, you as an individual are representing the forum community as a whole. We have worked long and hard to keep our name clean and are now known by many of the show season organisers and are always welcomed to their events.
We therefore ask that you behave in an appropriate manor to keep our name clean.
206info as a community does not accept inappropriate behaviour at shows this includes but is not limited to; reckless driving or driving in a dangerous manor, speeding, wheel spins, burn outs, handbrake turns, constant revving of engines, constant pipping of horns, causing disruption to the general public, arguments, and foul language.
Failure to abide by the rules and conditions of the 206info.co.uk forum may result in different causes of action. This includes the removal of the offending post, thread, image, avatar or signature. If a problem persists the 206info team will issue you with a warning. If this is not complied with or you cause a serious problem you will be banned from the forum.
The moderators decisions are final and they have the power to act on behalf of 206info.co.uk to ensure the smooth running of the forum, and that the above conditions are complied with by you, the forum user. They are here to ensure the forum is suitable for all users and to make sure that the club is kept safe from any actions resulting from unsuitable postings.
The moderators have the right to edit or remove any materials as they see fit and for any reason. These rules apply to all section of the forums. It is at the moderator’s discretion whether to inform the original poster for the editing or removal of any thread.
This forum is primarily designed to be a source of information for the Peugeot 206, thus keeping spam to a minimum ensures the site is mainly useful information. All users should use it in accordance with rules. We reserve the right to delete any item posted on here that may conflict with the views of 206info.co.uk.
The moderators' decision is final. Please accept their decisions. If you have a problem with this, feel unfairly treated/ warned or banned please send a private message to any member of staff or send an email to: feedback @ 206info.co.uk
Thank you for your co-operation.
206info Staff
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Last edited by Dabamash on Tue May 17, 2011 1:22 pm; edited 2 times in total
Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:28 am |
Joined: Feb 08, 2010 Posts: 5113
Trade Rating: +7
Location: The car in front
This isn't a massive rules overhaul, just an update really, since the old ones have been getting more and more irrelevant.
Have a read, but you there's probably nothing that you need to change, as the rules should reflect general site etiquette that already exists 
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