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Project facelift... Slow WIP - UPDATE (Bottom of pg1)
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:30 am Up
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Hey guys, if you can't be assed to read this garbage, scroll down to the 'Completed Mods' part!

A little Intro to me:
- Ok, so I've been a floating member on this site for a while now, asking lots of questions and generally being a little scaredy cat when it comes to biting the bullet and actually buying anything!

- I am still a learner, I'm ready for my test but I haven't done my theory yet aaaarrgggh :@:@... in the meantime the car is a shared family car with my elder sister being the main driver, (and me being the shared main driver soon I hope)

EDIT: I have now passed my theory, lol (03/09/10)

EDIT: I passed my practical ages ago but forgot to update this shizzle (23/04/11)

The car:

- Ok so its a 1.4 2002 (52) GLX in EZR silver, it was on around 70k when it was bought this february.

- The exterior (up until a little while ago when my sister got in a teency scrape leaving a few scratches to the drivers wing and drivers side bumper and a little dent but not too fussed about that!) was spotless.

- The interior is s**t, I hate it, nasty place to be (at the moment anyway hehe ;)) And the halfwit previous owner had a go at colour-coding everything with a crap finish.

pictures of the car when bought to come soon

EDIT: Just took some pictures of the car, (note that dent and crap happened after we bought the car, girls eh? Rolling Eyes (21/09/10):

Its not clean lol, sorry guys! - Its only been through a hand car wash once since its purchase in feb 2010.





- You can see the dodgy fuel filler cap thats been chucked on, and the old crappy phase 1, crap, lol.

The mods:

- I wan't to do everything, my dream look is around-about a standard 180 with sp kit blah blah. So a lot of work there and until recently no headway made whatsoever. I'm going to be taking it interior first though as its stuff that doesn't seem very 'big' to me.

- However a few weeks ago before I went on holiday (date of writing is 12/08/10) I bit the bullet and bought my first mod, or mods if you will.

I won a set of gti interior trim including: - GTI 138 Center Console + 4 Chrome Vents, GTI Handbrake with alloy Button, GTI Gear Knob, GTI Alloy Handles, and also GTI Pedals, for the (well i thought anyway) bargain price of £70 posted.

Piccies of Delivered Items (This is an info link so don't fret guys)

Completed Mods

Today (12/08/10) was the day I lost my mod-ginity, I installed my first (few) mods. See pictures below

These mods were completed on 12/08/10:









Today (13/08/10) finished putting in the alloy handles and black surrounds:



Future Mods:

- I still have to put in the alloy handles, the gearknob, gearstick and possibly the pedals depending.

- After this, I need to get the rest of the crap (lower door handle grip, window switch, alarm button surround) to black again, Im just going to change the ashtray to a drinks holder to solve that colour problem. Here are some pictures of these:





- Well after this, I'm going to get a new interior because I hate the blue one, atm im not really too fussed as long as its black but that could change in the future, but I know I'd be happy with a 138 interior dont really care that much for a 180 one. - Maybe a binnacle, but I doubt it Very Happy

- Then after I've been driving for a bit, I plan to start on the exterior, sports bumpers + maybe wings as will be fixing the damage while im at it, gti spoiler, and some vortex's, possibly sp arches, defo sp grill set, and of course phase two lights and bootstrip, will not be lowering or if i do itll be very reluctantly and the last thing I ever do! (maybe just a bit :P)

That is the dream anyway lol, thanks for reading guys, I will keep this updated as I (very slowly) get new mods!

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Last edited by rudebwoi93 on Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:57 am; edited 10 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:39 am Up
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Sounds exactly the same as what I've done Very Happy sounds good it's nice to have something to improve on. Goodluck with your test.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:41 am Up
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Harry wrote:
Sounds exactly the same as what I've done Very Happy sounds good it's nice to have something to improve on. Goodluck with your test.

Cheers mate, I'm just trying to force myself to go through the dumb cd its so boring and retarded!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:02 pm Up
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Good luck with the test got a lot to get on with with that project, may i just ask... why don't you want to lower it? will look a bit cack if you do everything else but not lower, because especially with 17" vortexs, its gonna look like a monster truck!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:12 pm Up
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rudebwoi93 wrote:
Harry wrote:
Sounds exactly the same as what I've done Very Happy sounds good it's nice to have something to improve on. Goodluck with your test.

Cheers mate, I'm just trying to force myself to go through the dumb cd its so boring and retarded!

Haha we've all been there Wink Just keep at it my girlfriend is going through the same thing. Try to remember all of the answers that you think are wrong but the test thinks is right, it makes it easier Smile

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:13 pm Up
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Harry wrote:
rudebwoi93 wrote:
Harry wrote:
Sounds exactly the same as what I've done Very Happy sounds good it's nice to have something to improve on. Goodluck with your test.

Cheers mate, I'm just trying to force myself to go through the dumb cd its so boring and retarded!

Haha we've all been there Wink Just keep at it my girlfriend is going through the same thing. Try to remember all of the answers that you think are wrong but the test thinks is right, it makes it easier Smile

LOLLL, its so right that you said that!! - It's amazing that they dont just change some of them!! I mean like flashing headlights, they need to accept that the definition has changed over the years!!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:25 pm Up
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I know, it's sad they try and inforce them with everyone knowing as soon as they pass their test it all changes in the real world - even driving instructors tell you that :S

I've been on the road for a year and a half and out of the hundreds, if not thousands of people I can only ever remember two people flashing their headlights to let you know they are there and even then it makes it confusing!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:32 pm Up
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snow_n_low wrote:
Good luck with the test got a lot to get on with with that project, may i just ask... why don't you want to lower it? will look a bit cack if you do everything else but not lower, because especially with 17" vortexs, its gonna look like a monster truck!

Lots of reasons, partly because Im just not too keen on messing with that sort of thing, that also ties in with the fact that i dont want to mess with it because my sister is driving the car, and then there's speed bumps, then there's loss of ride comfort which is pretty s**te as it is... but as I said im not sticking my fingerrs in my ears and saying no, because from what ive seen around the 50mm mark looks pretty good, i dont like the 'lowered' look that we see on here, i like to see the arch (curvy bit) curving with the tire sort of, if that makes sense, so it looks kinda oem instead of 'slammed'.

Sorry for the essay Razz

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:41 pm Up
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snow_n_low wrote:
Good luck with the test got a lot to get on with with that project, may i just ask... why don't you want to lower it? will look a bit cack if you do everything else but not lower, because especially with 17" vortexs, its gonna look like a monster truck!

Lots of reasons, partly because Im just not too keen on messing with that sort of thing, that also ties in with the fact that i dont want to mess with it because my sister is driving the car, and then there's speed bumps, then there's loss of ride comfort which is pretty s**te as it is... but as I said im not sticking my fingerrs in my ears and saying no, because from what ive seen around the 50mm mark looks pretty good, i dont like the 'lowered' look that we see on here, i like to see the arch (curvy bit) curving with the tire sort of, if that makes sense, so it looks kinda oem instead of 'slammed'.

Sorry for the essay Razz

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:42 pm Up
206 Crazy


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Not seen this thread before. Glad you've got a car and got your interior bits in, looks well Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:29 pm Up
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Mike wrote:
Not seen this thread before. Glad you've got a car and got your interior bits in, looks well Very Happy

Hehe, cheers for your help on that score mate!! - And Ive still got bits left to go in, namely pedals, and the handbrake, and I wanna change all the silver bits back to black, and eventually (and I mean much much later down the line, literally the last thing I will EVER do) maybe some black seats, leather or not leather, jsut get rid of these b******s!!

- I have some bumpers though Very Happy Hit some problems when I tried to get them fitted, but I'm looking to get them on soon!! - Check out my latest thread for a piccie if ya like lol!

EDIT: On second thought here you go, I've only got a pic of the front one, because the rear one is still wrapped up Very Happy

It came with the lockwood sp grill:


- You might still wanna see that thread, see the amount of s**t that cropped up when I tried to change the bumper!! :@:@:@

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:59 pm Up
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Ok guys so got a little bit of an update today, some of you will remember that I bought these off ebay not knowing if they were the correct colour or not (what a relief they are) what is an incredibly long time ago:


Well, I already attempted fitting the front bumper but that didn't go too well... I discovered that my car had indeed been in an accident and the front end been hastily bodged back together again. - Every correct bolt and screw was missing. Oh well, today I decided it's a nice day and all why not try and get the rear fitted? So heres some pics Very Happy



Bumper off: (after unscrewing some tight nuts =] )


(Ignore the mess, it's my sisters crap lol)





I'm massively chuffed =] Not only was I relieved/extatic that the colour was correct but it looks so nice!!! Even my family noticed/commented on how much nicer it looks! (All you modders out there know it's virtually impossible to get anyone to even notice lol!)

Just needs a phase 2 bootstrip, big lion and a spoiler and the back end will look mint Very Happy Oh and also need to get a nice exhaust trim welded on too!

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