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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:28 pm |
Joined: Oct 09, 2012 Posts: 21
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After a somewhat frightening experience where I was on the motorway and my car was only letting me select reverse(with a massive graunchy noise) I pulled over, reversed a bit and it would then let me select forward gears. I can only assume the device put there to prevent me going into reverse from fifth gear was only letting me go into reverse?
After this I noticed the gears were acting funny, they seemed to be going in a lot easier than they were before, anyway I limped home and my car has been sitting on the driveway since midnight at the end of tuesday and there is a 15mm diameter puddle of sulphur smelling gear oil lying underneath it.
It seems to have either sprayed all over the bottom of the gearbox cases at the split, or leaked out of the split.
It is the gearbox that has the side drain plug and no filler, but with a vent at the top.
I also have a pretty big leak below the power steering/auxillary belt area which I assume is the power steering pump. The brown pas pipe has oil over the crimp bits were it goes to 'rubber?' tubing but these do not have puddles underneath.
Is there anything I can do to stop these leaks? Cheap seals that can be replaced with a trolley jack and axle stands or should I just not park on the driveway and accept it is a £600 car and keep topping it up?
I really want to sort it if I can because my land lord already doesn't like me parking on the drive, let alone leaving oil stains!
Cheers, Pete
PS I know almost certainly it is not the original gearbox cause the plug on the reverse switch and loom are different 
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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:31 pm |
Joined: Jul 20, 2012 Posts: 234
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Location: Gainsborough
id say gearbox has had it mate, what colour is the second oil leak you have?
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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:47 pm |
Joined: Oct 09, 2012 Posts: 21
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I can't tell what colour it is, I'll try and give it a sniff. Say for example it was red, what could have gone in the pump? I've checked the dipstick in the pas fluid and it is way over the 'C' marking, I presume that is c for cold not c for chaude?
What I'll do is wipe the gearbox seam clean and see if it is seeping through or just coming out the drain, if it is I'll use a bit of PTFE tape on the drain plug, and just do up the gearbox bolts as effin tight as I can!
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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:03 pm |
Joined: Jul 20, 2012 Posts: 234
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Location: Gainsborough
if its red then yeah its pas fluid, but it could be the pulley bearing or a pas pipe leaking, yeah the 'C' is a reading for when its cold mate.
yeah thats a good idea mate to see if its leaking from them areas after youve wiped it
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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:23 pm |
Joined: Oct 09, 2012 Posts: 21
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I'm seeing quite a lot of sludgey oil splattered from the left driveshaft seal which may be the source of the oil, are they easy to replace? I'm guessing not :/ maybe this calls for a DIY catch tank!
I'm definately enjoying my first car 
Is the pas dipstick for reading when the cap is in fixed position or when the rubber flange is resting on the top of the reservoir?
It is also due for a cambelt replacement so the parts costs are building up! It says 90,000 on the clock, maybe a thousand or two in my ownership
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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:32 pm |
Joined: Jul 20, 2012 Posts: 234
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Location: Gainsborough
It could be mate, I had the cv joint boot/cover go on my car which sprayed oily grease over my wheel arch and track rod end, was a cheap fix only cost £10 as the jubilee clip came off, so it just needed re packing with grease and a new clip putting on, but if its a drive shaft seal leak I cant imagine it being a cheap fix!
When reading the pas fluid I'd take it out and read.
The oil leak round the aux belt could be the head gasket mate as that happened to me
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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:51 pm |
Joined: Oct 09, 2012 Posts: 21
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I meant as in the seals in the diff that the driveshafts go into. Apparently they are easy to change on a BE3 gearbox. Do you know which one mine is called? The one with the side facing drain plug? I think it is either a BE5 or an MA?
I have no idea how edd china can put up with all those leaks on wheeler dealers!
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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:13 pm |
Joined: Apr 19, 2012 Posts: 529
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U dont have a series of small leaks...its much more likely that you have one more serious leak thats splashing and spraying and dripping all over the underside of your car
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Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:12 am |
Joined: Oct 09, 2012 Posts: 21
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ill get the wheel off at the weekend and check that diff end seal
Just out of interest how likely is it to be leaking from the join? I would have thought they would be sealant'd together
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Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:56 pm |
Joined: Oct 09, 2012 Posts: 21
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All of the bolts on the bottom of the gearbox could be turned another 1/8 of a turn, with a medium amount of welly, nothing too strong. I have moved it away from the old oil patches so I can see if this has fixed the problem, here's hoping!
If not it is probably the diff seal I would say, tomorrow I will check it out, get the wheel off etc
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Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:20 am |
Joined: Oct 09, 2012 Posts: 21
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I've just put more oil in, hoping doing up the bolts has lessened the drip, then I'll probably just top it up every now and then
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Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:58 pm |
Joined: Apr 19, 2012 Posts: 529
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Overtightenin can cause leaks and problems as much as undertight nuts/,bolts...there are torque settings for most important bolts...certainly the sump bolts are torque set...
Also putting too much oil in can cause problems ptessure seals...etc...there are a few important reasons but i cant recall off sure someone with a memory can help...
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Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:08 pm |
Joined: Feb 07, 2010 Posts: 2721
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There is nothing in the gearbox to stop you selecting reverse when your driving, you just need to learn to drop to fourth better.
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Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:49 am |
Joined: Oct 09, 2012 Posts: 21
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Your gearbox is obviously broken then, put it into 5th then try and put it in reverse, you can't, you need to release the stick and let it spring to the centre before it will select reverse and there is nothing wrong with my down shifting...
If anything it is the easiest down shift, you just pull it back and let the spring do the work
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