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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:19 pm |
Joined: Jun 29, 2010 Posts: 244
Trade Rating: +2
Location: East Sussex
My car spec: Pug 206, 1.4 manual, Xreg.
My car suffered this noise a few months ago when driving and the engine light came one and the car sounded like a subaru cruising load and not as smooth as a pug should. I also felt a lose of power.
I took the car my garage and had a diagnostic check done, The result came back as random misfire.
It is now doing this regularly but after 4-5 miles it sorts it self out, but the engine light has not come on since the first time and it only makes this sound when accelerating even slightly.
Can anyone advised what may be the issue i can't afford to do lots of trial and error.
Thank you guys and gals 
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| 206 3dr 1.4 GLX modified slightly, Lowered 35mm on full Gmax kit, 17" AEZ xylo alloys 205/45/17, 3.5" Savage back box, | |
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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:34 pm |
Joined: Jul 20, 2012 Posts: 234
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I had a loss of power and the engine light came on a few weeks back, took it to garage plugged it in and it said it was random misfire, I checked my plugs and they were NGK so I swapped them for a set of Bosch super 4 and now it's running perfectly
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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:48 pm |
Joined: Aug 04, 2011 Posts: 1343
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Probably coil pack or plugs but check electrical connections first to make sure there aren't any loose ones. It really doesn't soundlike a loose connector but it could be.
The engine light will be one for one or two reasons or even both:-
1) recorded the constant misfires.
2) very high exhaust emmissions caused by the misfire.
A misfire also means that there are a lot of unburnt gases entering your catlytic converter and will significantly reduce its life.
New plugs are cheapest first option.
When was it last serviced and at what mileage, what mileage has it now done, have the plugs ever been changed?
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| Morris 1000, Austin 1100, Escort Mk2, Fiat Mirafiori, Alfa 33, Alfa GT Junior, Alfasud, Alfetta GTV (2x), Alfa 164 3.0 V6, Alfa 164 2.0, Alfa 75 V6, Alfa 156 2.4 (diesel remapped 200bhp), Alfa 147 GTA (3.6 295bhp), Alfa 159 (diesel remapped 245bhp 300ft.lbs @ 2500rpm)
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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:19 pm |
Joined: Jun 20, 2012 Posts: 64
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Exactly this happened to me a few months back, same diagnostic report and problem/noise.
Coil pack was faulty, changed this and perfect! I changed plugs too just so they were new 
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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:33 pm |
Joined: Jun 29, 2010 Posts: 244
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The car is due a service and covered 84k miles. The cambelt is also due a change and will be done in due course but the car only travels 40 miles per week at present. I am thinking about getting new plugs as they have not been change since before 32k as i'm aware
Is it worth getting a second hand one or go all out and get a new one? also expected prices.
Look promising cheers team 
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| 206 3dr 1.4 GLX modified slightly, Lowered 35mm on full Gmax kit, 17" AEZ xylo alloys 205/45/17, 3.5" Savage back box, | |
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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:47 pm |
Joined: Aug 04, 2011 Posts: 1343
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Don't spend money on coil pack just yet do the plugs first and then, at the service, they won't need doing so tell whoever does the service not to change them.
Plugs are 60k interval so yours are about due. Having said that the interval wouldn't be 60k if they failed at that mileage.
However, plugs are cheapest option so try that first.
Regards new or second hand coil pack that is tricky and depends on your personal circumstances. If your wife / kids drive the car do you want to risk them stranded. What is the effect to you if you are driving it and it breaks down - do you loose a lot of money by being delayed. How tight is money for you; can you afford a new one. One from a genuine low mileage car, no more than 40k miles and I might give it a punt if I was short of cash.
New coil pack price is between £40 and £65 depending on your discount / supplier.
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| Morris 1000, Austin 1100, Escort Mk2, Fiat Mirafiori, Alfa 33, Alfa GT Junior, Alfasud, Alfetta GTV (2x), Alfa 164 3.0 V6, Alfa 164 2.0, Alfa 75 V6, Alfa 156 2.4 (diesel remapped 200bhp), Alfa 147 GTA (3.6 295bhp), Alfa 159 (diesel remapped 245bhp 300ft.lbs @ 2500rpm)
Why isn't my daughter an Alfaholic? | |
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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:11 pm |
Joined: Jun 29, 2010 Posts: 244
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Oh cool cheers for the heads up. I shall ask my mechanic friend as he was too bisy to loom into this and the car was never in the right place due to using a company car regulary and leaving mine at work.
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| 206 3dr 1.4 GLX modified slightly, Lowered 35mm on full Gmax kit, 17" AEZ xylo alloys 205/45/17, 3.5" Savage back box, | |
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Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:32 pm |
Joined: Oct 30, 2011 Posts: 35
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I had a similar problem, replaced the plugs, tested another coil pack from a scrap yard. Turned out to be the 1st injector from the left.
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Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:56 pm |
Joined: Aug 04, 2011 Posts: 1343
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Tiago: I have spent all this time believing the 1.4 8V to be single point injection. If it is multipoint (one injector per cylinder) then yes it could be an injector. I feel really stupid and embarrassed right now.
EDIT: My thoughts are still with plug or coil pack but your suggestion isn't far behind.
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| Morris 1000, Austin 1100, Escort Mk2, Fiat Mirafiori, Alfa 33, Alfa GT Junior, Alfasud, Alfetta GTV (2x), Alfa 164 3.0 V6, Alfa 164 2.0, Alfa 75 V6, Alfa 156 2.4 (diesel remapped 200bhp), Alfa 147 GTA (3.6 295bhp), Alfa 159 (diesel remapped 245bhp 300ft.lbs @ 2500rpm)
Why isn't my daughter an Alfaholic? | |
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Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:50 pm |
Joined: Jun 29, 2010 Posts: 244
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Apparently a few years ago we where told an injecter was on its way out my wife just reminded me (it was her car at tue time) so yeah i hope its this or a simple plug. I have it book to go in on saturday morning and hope for the cheaper fix, then get my cambelt done and a service after.
Cheers again team 
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| 206 3dr 1.4 GLX modified slightly, Lowered 35mm on full Gmax kit, 17" AEZ xylo alloys 205/45/17, 3.5" Savage back box, | |
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Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:10 pm |
Joined: Oct 30, 2011 Posts: 35
Trade Rating: +1
Location: Cambridgeshire
Mine is the 1.4 8v and it is multipoint, don't know if there are any models out there with a single point though.
Apparently the injector that went on mine is a common fault, because of the screen washer jets leaking and causing the injector to malfunction.
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Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:18 am |
Joined: Aug 04, 2011 Posts: 1343
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Bows head in shame: it seems ALL are multipoint.
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| Morris 1000, Austin 1100, Escort Mk2, Fiat Mirafiori, Alfa 33, Alfa GT Junior, Alfasud, Alfetta GTV (2x), Alfa 164 3.0 V6, Alfa 164 2.0, Alfa 75 V6, Alfa 156 2.4 (diesel remapped 200bhp), Alfa 147 GTA (3.6 295bhp), Alfa 159 (diesel remapped 245bhp 300ft.lbs @ 2500rpm)
Why isn't my daughter an Alfaholic? | |
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Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:26 pm |
Joined: Jun 29, 2010 Posts: 244
Trade Rating: +2
Location: East Sussex
I had the computer attached to my car and it showed maps sensor which i had disconnected to swap with the wifes one from her picasso but the car still drives the same, and an injector fault.
We have cleared the codes and hopeing the map sensor was from when I disconected it, And see if the car starts playing up again it's sitting still for a week so will see on friday. Then i shall get a new injector and swap it across one by one 
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| 206 3dr 1.4 GLX modified slightly, Lowered 35mm on full Gmax kit, 17" AEZ xylo alloys 205/45/17, 3.5" Savage back box, | |
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