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Project dirty deezel 1.1 to XUD9TE :D
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:53 pm Up
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Not a huge deal of progress this last couple of weeks, mainly due to timewasters looking at our Volvo. Decided to keep it for now anyway, last couple of days got on with a bit more of this car, finally got round to modifying the bottom engine mount and got most of the steel top mount made up now, just need a couple of extra bits welded on & that'll be the engine/gearbox positioned solidly.

Also made a start on stripping redundant wires out of the engine bay harness. Initial plan was to do away with the petrol's ECU completely and rewire the ignition switch for the TD, but thought it'll be cool to keep it and use that to drive the original gauges as well as taking an ignition live from it as an extra layer of security, to keep the opportunist at bay since it'll need to see the key transponder to start then.
Will strip the cluster down at some point as will need to place a new redline on the tach face as well as "delete" the engine management light since it'll be setting all sorts of codes from missing/redundant sensors but doing it this way means I'll be able to drive the tach, coolant temp gauge/fans, oil pressure and oil level etc through original wiring. I've got a TD engine loom that came with the engine & will use the temp sensor and glow plug relay part of that, and either run a wire to trigger the GP lamp on the cluster or (more likely) install a seperate lamp for that.

Also got the pump gov modded, tweaked the LDA a little bit for now & back on the engine. Still not 100% convinced the vane pump is working right, but it was running off a lash up of pipes from a jerry can and was sucking air so will reserve judgement on that until it's plumbed in properly. On that note, also jumpered the fuel pump fuse to empty the tank of petrol earlier & flushed through with half a gallon of diesel. Got to grab a couple of gallons fresh and dump that in, should dilute any remaining petrol enough to be going on with. Pics to come, again, when I actually remember to get some.

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:07 pm Up
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If you need an mot you will need the engine management light to work ie come on with the ignition and go off ...
Down to just the 1.4 HDi. Cayman Green 2.0i CC sold.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:52 pm Up
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Hmm, not sure on that one since it'll be mechanical diesel. I suppose being an '03 it'd have to be lumped in with the HDi's on emissions etc so probably would need an "EML" even if it's not managing anything other than the gauges.

I guess I could modify the PCB so the battery charge light operates the EML instead, that'd make it behave in the manner expected of it. Wink

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 3:29 pm Up
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Between weather, illness and birthday, made a little more progress. Also spent a day in the scorching heat going over the 180's A/C system and charging it with R290... why do something "stupid" like that? (R290 is better known as Propane gas!), simples, it's a perfectly valid refrigerant used in commercial equipment and on price it's unbeatable, who'd rather pay £50+ for a couple of hundred grams of R134a compared to £30 for a refill of a 19kg bottle of R290? Not to mention it's a much more efficient refrigerant compared to R134a, icy cold air within 5 seconds of startup no exaggeration, and it's legal/proper to vent into the atmosphere so makes future work on the system a doddle. Not recommending anyone else go randomly dumping other gases into their AC without researching first and deciding whether they want to take the chance, but for us it's worth it.

Got the GTi flywheel that I should've kept from the breaker, £30 wasted on stupidity lol but hindsight's 20/20 and was never planning to use the GTi gearbox originally.

Also got most of the engine bay loom sorted now, stripped out wires no longer needed and routed the few remaining sensors to their new homes, got the engine cranking off the key but still need to locate an ignition live for the pump as well as sort out why my reversing light/VSS live is missing. That could be as simple as I've got the wrong ECU fitted currently though, both the GTi and the 1.1 are 3 plug and I grabbed the wrong one when testing! That may also explain no tach activity too, which could've been down to either that or wrong waveform from the diesel CPS, although I'll be going back to the other sensor on the bellhousing when the correct flywheel and clutch is on anyway so it'll all work out in the end.

Think I'll have to get a petrol CTS as the diesel's original gives a gauge reading of about 70c when cold, didn't see that one coming & again, should've hung onto more bits! (I do have a 'plexed HDi lump with all sensors to rob though so may try that before spending).

Engine is now fed fuel direct from the car's tank, still need to mod the fuel filler to accept a bigger nozzle as she's a wee bit tight for the big black hose that'll be shoved in there in future!

Still need to finish the top engine mount, but that's next on the list & when done, I'll be pulling the engine/box back out, cleaning the bay up, fitting the hydraulic clutch setup, GTi header tank, longer throttle cable etc, split engine/box and install flywheel/clutch etc, bolt all the ancillaries and bits to the back of the engine and do the final fit of that assembly.

Then, it'll be onto sorting out gear linkage rods (another "should've kept 'em off the GTi" job, but no biggy as I'll extend what I have), replacing the front suspension/hubs, bleed brakes & fit driveshafts and that'll be all the big mechanical stuff sorted and it'll be time to look at the cooling and induction/exhaust systems. For now, thinking of reusing an old Xantia FMIC as it's "in stock" and just about fits between the chassis legs. Same goes for the radiator, if it holds liquid then an old Xantia jobbie will be grafted in. This'll change once the thing's on the road as both are old and ratty but it'll save a bit of cash for more important (read- fun) items like exhaust pyrometer and boost gauge, 2 fresh tyres for the 180 wheels (the ones with Uniroyals have gone on the blue 180 as it's tyres were shot, plus the wheels are shagged and painted black anyway!) as well as saving time by being able to reuse Xantia pipework.

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
+'99 306 2.0SE cabriolet
+'97 306 1.9LXDT
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Last edited by ekjdm14 on Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:11 pm Up
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Gear linkages sorted, engine back out & GTi flywheel/clutch installed, gearbox back on.

Rain/s***ty weather stopped play for now as it's too murky to do much more & I've not sorted the lights out in the garage, tomorrow hopefully will see the pedal box converted to hydro clutch, rest of the bay mods finished & the engine/gearbox prepped for final install if not actually dropped in.

Excitement is building now, feels like most of the faffy custom bits are done now (just the hydro clutch, power steering pump location and exhaust/rad/FMIC mounting on that side of things & it's getting to the point where light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. (still not 100% happy with the pump, the vanes might still be sticking but we'll see).

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
+'99 306 2.0SE cabriolet
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:58 pm Up
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Little bit more done today, what a royal pain in the ballocks it is converting a pedal box from cable to hydro clutch!

Not so much the actual conversion, which was super easy, just chop out the cable guide and a bit of material below it to allow the M/C to poke through & the pedal itself already has a hole in the right place to attach the pushrod. The ballache was all in getting the damned pedal box out in the first place. In the end I lost patience and chopped one of the bolts as it was impossible to get on with the dash in situ, but the struggle continued and it was an epic knuckle-skinner worming it out and back in again afterwards.

Not read the Haynes book of lies on this procedure, but I'm willing to lay good money that it starts with "First, remove dashboard as described in chapter blah..." TBF If I knew I wouldn't have to modify the clutch pedal then I'd have just chain-drilled the box from the engine bay side & punched it out from there! Least I know now.

So, now I'm aching all over from crawling up under the dash with my feet round the b-pillar but the hydro clutch is plumbed up and ready to bleed & managed to give the engine bay and subframe a good clean and shot of gloss black to tidy things up a little. Few jobs to complete on the back of the engine then it can all be dropped in finally, might hold off a few days though as I've just noticed that Royal Snail have my chinabay EGT pyrometer so would like to fit that in the manifold before it all goes in permanently. Good excuse to get on with other bits like going back over the injector pump & swapping over the suspension/brake setup too Smile

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
+'99 306 2.0SE cabriolet
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 7:29 pm Up
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Last few days have seen the injector pump re-stripped/rebuilt, the vane pump was still a little bit iffy so fingers crossed it's all good now. Managed to break the governor cradle when reassembling last night, fuming with myself about that but fortunately had a spare one already out of a pump. Spec now is-: standard 9mm head/plunger, no cold advance solenoid, 6mm spacer on gov mod & LDA grind to about 7mm pin travel. LDA Spring pretension and pump setup about where it should be, will have to calibrate it properly when it's all together.

Also made a start on working out the alternator and PAS mounting points, thinking at the moment Xantia alternator body with 206 reg/rec & brush pack, mounted to standard Xantia mounting point & PAS pump below that on brackets brought out from the former AC pump mounting. Waiting on time and weather to align such that I can get the engine finally fitted now, rain sucks!

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:35 pm Up
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Well the exhaust pyrometer arrived today, so got on with fitting that. Bit of a ballache as I lost part of the compression fitting & had to spend ages making a replacement out of an M10 bolt.

Worked out well in the end though so that's in, boost controller fitted & managed to get the coolant tank located (due to space constraints, gone with the GTi tank relocated in the plenum area behind the front strut), steel top engine mount pretty well finished too. Engine is now mounted properly & just needs the intake/exhaust and cooling system piping up, one gear linkage extending a tiny bit more, ancillaries bolted on & wiring plugged in then it'll be time to move onto swapping the suspension/brakes. Good couple of days work and it'll be ready for a test rip providing nothing else unexpected crops up. Smile

Really, REALLY must get some photos too!

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
+'99 306 2.0SE cabriolet
+'97 306 1.9LXDT
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:51 pm Up
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Damned rain set in this afternoon so no camera out, but I was on a roll piping up the cooling and induction systems. Got most of the pipework sorted, cooling system just needs a couple of small bore bleed lines making up and the intercooler plumbing is worked out back to the hot side, I'm just missing one Xantia hard line to finish that setup (not sure how I've ended up not having it, thought I had everything from our old white car!).

Wiring is mostly plugged in now, just the VSS/reversing light feed to sort out & I think I know where it will come from, plus glow plug controller and an ignition live to be worked out.
Found out that the alternator/PAS pump bracket from a DW10 lump can be persuaded to fit the XUD block with some minor alterations to clear the fuel pump bracket and oil cooler lines so that's made mounting up the alternator and PAS pump in line with the crank pulley a doddle, saved a couple of hours fabricating brackets from steel plus gained me an auto-tensioner into the bargain.

Not a huge amount left to do on the engine/gearbox installation now, sort out either a replacement (or weld up a steel version) for that last boost pipe, a few brackets to knock up for the Xantia radiator and FMIC, modify a slam panel/fan assembly to squeeze in somehow & that gear linkage to extend then it'll be onto the rolling stock and interior assembly. Very much looking forward to some drier weather to allow me to get this beast rolling now, it's all starting to come together at last Very Happy

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
+'99 306 2.0SE cabriolet
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:20 pm Up
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Few more jobs ticked off the list this arvo, throttle cable made up and installed. Need to do something about the pedal travel as it's not quite enough to pin the lever on the stop now (although not far off and likely would on a standard pump).

Gear linkage also sorted, some more wiring attended to (what a pain in the a**e, Haynes is chocolate teapot on this & the number codes are really hard to read where they haven't already rubbed off. going to probably end up rewiring the reversing lights old-fashioned stylee as the switch ain't talking to the BSI, fitting an aftermarket tach & working out why the ABS light is now on (I may have unplugged the front sensors while the engine was out, can't remember now!).

Also finally got the clutch pedal attached to the M/C while I was under there playing with the throttle cable. Definitely true the last 10% of the work takes 90% of the time. Taking a well earned rest now & flicking through the Book of lies AKA Haynes, like it'll do me any good lol.

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:14 pm Up
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OK will have to get photos in a sec this is getting ridiculous! Starting to look like a car again now, clutch bled, Glow plug relay fitted, Xantia radiator and FMIC mounted and mostly plumbed in, slam panel hacked up to hold them & cooling system test-filled with water... It leaked like a sieve... One of the pipes down the back of the engine typically, but will look into that when I start on the next phase which is changing the suspension/brakes over to the GTi coilovers.

Still got issues with the damn multiplexing, from the bits I've lost it's looking like a VAN line problem. Will have one last ditch effort comparing things to the 1.4 8v & trying to interrogate it through Planet when I can be arsed, but otherwise I'll just go with a standalone tach & wire the reversing lights and wipers old-skool. Can't wait for the first test drive, should be great fun.

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
+'99 306 2.0SE cabriolet
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:18 pm Up
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Oops, no piccies but she's back on all 4 wheels now! Coolant leak was the water inlet housing, got a replacement one for 6 quid and that's all holding water now, drain down after a week or two on the road to pressure test it and add actual coolant if it behaves itself.

All my wiring seems to check out OK so thinking there's an issue either with the COM2000 unit or maybe a fuse blown (thanks to an old thread by Vortechs I noticed that the radio shares a fuse with the COM2000 and guess what I'd just removed when the issue arose! Never noticed any sparks but it was an aftermarket hack-in and like Vortechs, I'm not big into coincidences.)

Once that issue is fixed all that needs doing is bolt the seats in, sort out the last boost pipe when it arrives, bit of clearancing on the intercooler brackets so the headlights can go back in properly, get a shorter aux belt, cutting the bumper and crash bar to fit and an oil change + bleed the clutch better (It has officially moved under it's own power back and forward on the drive, clutch bite is on the floor though!). Oh, and adjust the exhaust as it's rattling like buggery and fouling the gear linkage in 1st/2nd.

It's getting exciting now, the project's coming to life at last. This will be "stage one" of the project at least. Once we've got some miles on it then stage 1.5 will be swapping in the GTi rear beam and making it cosmetically nicer at the front end. Eventually the plan is, once we've eaten through this turbo (only a little K14), stage 2 fabricating a new exhaust manifold to relocate the turbo to over the gearbox, relocating battery to the boot & going with a VNT turbo of some description.

Depending on how the engine as a whole holds together, I'm also in the background starting to plan out a big-power big-torque XUD build (this one will be more top endy with the KKK turbo) that may or may not end up in this car. Something along the lines of DW10 rods/shells, slightly lower comp pistons, head studs & ported possibly look into a 12v head & maybe even compound turbos or twin-charged with a Roots blower into a big turbo. Dreams of the future though, for now it still needs finishing to such a standard that it can be got through an MoT (will entail fitting a cat shell in the exhaust, sorting the EML behaviour and turning the juice down/limiting the revs to 4k and presenting it to be tested as if it were a 2.0HDi, since it's too late a model to test as DW8 I think)

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
+'99 306 2.0SE cabriolet
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:47 pm Up
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Well well, the better half got some photos earlier so will post them up when I get the email through!

Car now has it's face back on, looks surprisingly stock too which is kinda cool, haven't cut the bumper too much but did have to modify the headlamps to get them to fit back on. The VAN issue was not a blown fuse sadly, but will break out diagbox tomorrow if I get a chance. Also got to go find a 90* 2" rubber elbow and some hose clamps since we got let down by an eastern european supplier for the last charge pipe we needed & I've just knocked up a temporary one to get us by till we find one to suit.

Engine runs better each time I fire it up now, just frustrated at the VAN problem.

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:41 pm Up
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Hmm, forum vanished for a while and have lost some pics but here's one from the other day. The car is now officially on the road, although far from being finished.

I got plain fed up chasing the wipers/lights issue, the BSI is able to actuate them and it can see the inputs from the COM2000, including the key chip, but for some reason the ECU is showing as unlocked but the BSI remains resolutely locked. Rather than faff round swapping BSI/ECU sets (although I did have a half hearted go with a set we had around) I've just circumvented all the electronic BS now and wired in the dip/main beams on seperate switch/relays (keeping the main beam flash on the stalk) and done the same with the wiper motor high/low speeds & made a plate to go where the radio would've been housing the controls for these and the glow plug button.


This has got the car to a point where it's driveable, although still need to do a lot of rewiring for other bits and arrange some standalone instrumentation plus add a cooling fan. Only done a couple of pulls so far but my butt-dyno says around 160bhp already with barely any fine tuning done. When it's in a state that it can sustain it's temperature at a standstill and it's been shaken down/tuned a bit more we'll look into a dyno session to see what it's really capable of with the big old Xantia FMIC hanging out of it's face! Very Happy

'02 1.4HDi Mercury Grey 102k (waiting for it's time to shine once more)
'03 GTi 180 Aegean Blue 92k (suffering gearbox/diff issues)
'53 Obsidian Black XUD9TE/veg fuelled b-road toy (in surgery for MoT workarounds)
'56 SW 1.4i Verve Aegean Blue 70k (new £50 project with roasted lump)

+'95 Citroen Xantia 1.9D auto (on loan to inlaws)
+'99 306 2.0SE cabriolet
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:02 am Up
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Coming along nicely!

ekjdm14 wrote:
I got plain fed up chasing the wipers/lights issue, the BSI is able to actuate them and it can see the inputs from the COM2000, including the key chip, but for some reason the ECU is showing as unlocked but the BSI remains resolutely locked.

I couldn't work out where exactly you can see the "BSI locked: yes" message. I can only recall "ECU locked" in the Immobiliser status of the BSI Parameter Measurements submenu. Or are you assuming BSI is "locked" because of wipers etc? Car is not in economy mode by chance?

What does the ECU "Parameter measurements -> Standard parameter measurements" say under the "Control unit condition"? Note that such selection might not available under every type of ECU, but sometimes can be brought up when lying by choosing a similar engine family instead of the one your car physically has (use at your own risk, but in my experience if the ECU chipset is significantly different, it won't even reply).

If "problems detected while transmitting the unlock code" item shows no problems, then BSI can talk to the ECU (and that is confirmed already by immobiliser working/recognising key and ECU being unlocked), so your problem is not in the dreaded yellow/white CAN bus wire pair connecting the two (unlike it was in my case of 1.4 HDi).

If you want to dig deeper, I would need all the make and software versions of BSI and ECU of yours and could ask the "friends" over at the digital-kaos that I made while resuscitating the cursed HDi of mine.

2.0 HDi, year 2000 (E's restin')
Red GTi 180, year 2004 (VorTechS' sEXy Beast (being) remasteRed)
Blue GTi 180, year 2004 (in hibernation after endless driving fun in 2019, queued for "cambelt in tight spaces")
Missus' 1.6 16v CC, year 2007 (L-plates to P-plates to NO-plates, but now she wants powwer:))
£50 1.4 HDi, year 2002 (seatless transporter, SORNed, rust needs patching)
Jag S(crapped)- & X-Type
GTC VXR (sold)
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