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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:44 pm |
Joined: Mar 08, 2010 Posts: 37
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Location: Kent
Finally got myself a 2.0 Hdi Dturbo and am very happy with it. I just have a few questions to clear up as im not sure if there's a problem or not.
First, when starting and turning the engine off, it rocks the car quite a bit as it stops/starts rotating. Im not sure if its engine mounts, or maybe normal for a diesel as ive never owned one, but its quite a harsh movement. Im not noticing any significant movement when im actually driving though.
Secondly, there's a very tiny delay between swithching the lights on and them coming on, same with flashing someone. Is this normal as im sure it doesnt happen in the girlfriends gti. (mines plexed so maybe thats it??)
Thats pretty much it, any advise would be great.
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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:00 pm |
Joined: Feb 07, 2010 Posts: 5575
Trade Rating: +33
Location: Moscow
Get a video posted up so we can see, one persons harsh is anothers soft. Mine is pretty harsh on start up, and cut off, but it has always been like this and no weird sounds. 
How tiny? milliseconds or a second or two? Does it have HID's in the main beams?

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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:20 pm |
Joined: Mar 08, 2010 Posts: 37
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Location: Kent
I'll try and get a video this weekend. I can cope with it, just seems a little more movement than any other car i've ever driven.
Talking maybe half a second, its not a lot, but can be irritating. Just standard headlights, no hids.
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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:28 pm |
Joined: Feb 07, 2010 Posts: 5575
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Location: Moscow
The engine will be fine.. But get a video posted up.. 
The lights, again sounds very similar, so nothingto worry about, you will get used to them 
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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:05 pm |
Joined: Dec 16, 2010 Posts: 1533
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the rockings not a problem, diesels have a lot more grunt than a petrol 
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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:18 pm |
Joined: Feb 07, 2010 Posts: 2360
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My lights do that, its nothing to worry about. What annoys me is the time it takes when you turn them off, that delay is what annoys me
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Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:49 am |
Joined: Jan 07, 2011 Posts: 224
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With mechanical common sense i would guess that when you stop your engine because diesels are stronger gruntier engines that it just hits the compression cycle and stops dead so the engine will rock, and the headlights my last 206 had a delay of about half a second and so did the horn its normal im afraid, ya soon adapt tho! ive just bought a 1.4 hdi s myself and its grand, runs on fresh air, drives smooth, however i nearly passed out when i was told how expensive the tax was £30 per YEAR! oooh thats just too much (sarcasm) 
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Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:52 am |
Joined: Feb 07, 2010 Posts: 13077
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adam_16v wrote: |
Finally got myself a 2.0 Hdi Dturbo and am very happy with it. I just have a few questions to clear up as im not sure if there's a problem or not.
First, when starting and turning the engine off, it rocks the car quite a bit as it stops/starts rotating. Im not sure if its engine mounts, or maybe normal for a diesel as ive never owned one, but its quite a harsh movement. Im not noticing any significant movement when im actually driving though.
Secondly, there's a very tiny delay between swithching the lights on and them coming on, same with flashing someone. Is this normal as im sure it doesnt happen in the girlfriends gti. (mines plexed so maybe thats it??)
Sounds pretty normal. Plexed wiring is to increase the speed, so technically they should come on faster. But nothing to worry about really
Thats pretty much it, any advise would be great. |
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